Chapter 15: Say Anything

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After my first interview, I walked around backstage trying to to find the guys. I was curious about how there's was going and wondered what kind of questions they were getting asked compared to me. I finally found them set up in front of the stage, sitting in the front row. I walked in quietly, standing off to the side so they couldn't see me. 

"So this is your first real tour of this capacity. How do you think it'll differ from previous tours you guys have played?" Josh took the microphone.

"Well, typically those tours were for our fans, where now I think this time it's about putting ourselves out there to new fans and continuing to build our fanbase. We were so lucky for Juliette to invite us out, despite being.. different from her usual genre so we're hoping to give people another perspective and maybe they'll give us a chance."

"And how are things with Juliette? Has she prepped you on life on the road? I'm sure you've seen how insane this life can get." Josh laughed, nodding.
"Absolutely. The things she deals with compared to what we're used to, it's honestly like night and day. We can walk down the street and no one gives us a second look. But she can't go anywhere without being, basically attacked. You have to commend her for how classy she is, and how gracefully she handles it all." 

I felt my cheeks burn. That was sweet of him. Sam reached over, taking the microphone from Josh.

"It's been really amazing getting to spend time with someone who's really done it all, who's been in the business for so long and can help us in ways that not many musicians can. She's such a genuine and caring person, so down to earth, and I feel like it's so rare these days to meet someone like her in this industry. We're really lucky to have gotten this opportunity with someone like her." I felt my heart beat faster. 

I looked over at Jake, who stayed quiet.

"Now is there any hope for a collaboration between you guys? For most of her career, Juliette has mainly worked solo, but I feel with such different sounds, you guys could make something really beautiful together." Sam nodded.

"There was talk, but you never know." He laughed. "These things work best when they happen organically, so maybe we'll see where it goes. But don't hold me to it. It's whatever she wants to do. We're here and willing if she wants us though." He flashed a big smile.

"Is there anything you've learned about her that everyone might be surprised to hear? What are some things you learned that you never expected?" Josh reached over for the microphone, but Sam held on.

"Well, she's a very private person, especially when it comes to her personal life, which we find so admirable. She's able to separate this life from real life and it's really inspiring to witness. You'd imagine someone who's been in this industry for as long as she has, you'd start to lose that sense of reality, but she's got an amazing head on her shoulders and I know we have so much to learn from her when it comes to becoming well rounded musicians and performers."

Looking at the interviewer, I could tell that wasn't the answer he wanted from Sam. I always hated when this happened, interviewers using other musicians to try to find out things about me instead of giving them their time to shine. But Sam was handling it.. so maturely. I wondered how often they had done this before.

"Yeah but what dirt can you give us? We all know that Juliette and Don are the It couple, but we've heard he isn't going to be out on the tour with her this time. And you speak so highly of her, like someone who's spent.. maybe more time with her than most." He laughed, leaning in. I sighed. This is where I assumed it was going to go.

"Don is recording his new album with his band, which is why we were able to have this opportunity to open for her. We met him last night where he.. wished us off and.. he's a.. great guy. But, when you're living on two buses, you get lonely. We're all good friends here on tour. You can't help but learn a lot about the people you tour with. They basically become your family. But we really lucked out with her. She's been nothing but welcoming." 

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