Chapter 13: Capable

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The next morning I was woken up to knocks on my door. I sighed, rolling over.

"Juliette, it's time to get ready!" They said. It was Amy. The first show wasn't until tonight. I wondered what was planned for the day that I had to start so early. I was always the last to know about the schedule. I pushed myself out of bed, forcing myself to open the door.

"Hey.." I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Good morning! It's show day!" She said cheerily, handing me a coffee. I forced a smile, grabbing it and taking a big sip. Deep down I was always thankful for her positivity and enthusiasm. She always made up for where I lacked. It did help.

"So.. how was last night?" She asked, her smile growing. I wondered what she knew. I'd assume nothing as of right now.
"It was fine." I said simply, making my way over to my makeup chair.
"Are the guys excited?" She asked, pulling my makeup out of the top drawer. I nodded, smiling back at her through the mirror.

"They have no idea what they're in for." I giggled to myself, taking another sip of my coffee. Amy shook her head, rolling her eyes at me.
"You are gonna help them though, right?" She asked, pulling my hair back into a tight ponytail.
"Of course I will." I sighed. 

As Amy started applying makeup, I spaced out, thinking back to last night. Not being able to tell anyone was killing me. I had told Jake he wasn't allowed to tell anyone, but.. I'm sure I could trust Amy. She knew how important it was to keep things to herself. After all, we were friends. She had been around long enough to know the importance of secrecy here. One slip and the entire world could know within hours. 

"So.." I started. She peeked up at me, giving me a smirk.
"What?" She asked, her eyes lighting up. I sighed, feeling my face get red already.
"Something happened last night." I said. Her eyes got wider.
"What do you mean something happened last night?" She asked, stepping back to look at me. 

I hesitated. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. It would be the end of everything if this got out. Not to mention it was brand new in general. I didn't even know what it was yet. But it wasn't fair. Normal girls got to talk to their friends about boys. 

Why couldn't I?

"Jake kissed me." I eventually said, biting my lip.
"What?!" She squealed. I felt my face burning. Yeah. This was definitely a bad idea.
"Shh!" I snapped. She giggled to herself, continuing to apply my eyeshadow.

"Ohmygosh.." She whispered. "I just knew something would happen." I peeked out of my other eye.
"What do you mean you knew something would happen?" I smirked.
"Come on, we all saw the way he acted around you that first night." I rolled my eyes.
"I honestly thought he'd be too scared to even talk to me." I said. "And.."

She stopped, backing up again.
"There's an 'and'??" She was getting more excited. I couldn't help but smile.

"And.. I told him I liked him." She squealed again.
"Amy!" I snapped, but my smile grew. I couldn't remember the last time I had gotten excited over someone and it was nice to have a friend to share it with.
"Oh my god, what did he say!"
"He.. said he liked me too." She squealed again, then stopped, looking down at me with wide eyes.

"Wait, what about Don?" She asked, now looking back at me through the mirror. I sighed.
"And.. that's what I told him. He knows.. about Don and.. the whole agreement. He knows I can't leave him, or ever be with anyone else." Amy let out a deep sigh, her eyes getting sad as she stared back at me.

"But.. you and Don aren't even.. real. You.. and Jake is so.." She sighed again, brushing my ponytail. "You can't let Don keep you from being happy. This could actually be.. a real thing for you." She said quietly. I felt my face get hot again.
"And that's what Jake said." I mumbled. She was quiet for a moment, continuing to brush my hair.

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