Chapter 41: Say the Word

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Jake's P.O.V

I quickly pulled away from her, instantly snapping back to reality. Just from the way the color drained from her face, I knew who it was. She clung to me, pulling me closer, as if now using me as a human shield from him.

I would be whatever she needed.

"Don't worry." Don laughed. "I just want to talk." Peeking back over at her, she didn't seem convinced, her knuckles turning white from holding onto me so tight. But despite how scared she seemed, I loved that she felt safe enough with me, knowing that I would protect her.
"Go wait in my dressing room, the guys will be in there." I whispered, giving her a reassuring smile. She hesitated for a moment, peeking over at him from over my shoulder before leaning into another quick kiss. My heart jumped, it happening so fast, I didn't even have time to react. She flashed me a nervous grin before quickly making her way in, shutting the door behind her.

I didn't have to turn around to know that Don's furious glare was already burning a hole right through me.

"She's fine." He finally said. "I'm not gonna bother her, you're the one I want to talk to." My stomach dropped. His voice was.. haunting, almost hollow, echoing in my ears. I nodded, shoving my hands into my pockets as I followed him further down the hallway, anticipating that at any moment, I'd probably be getting a ring-filled fist to the face. Or better yet, he'd have someone else do his dirty work for him, unable to fight his own battles when it came to his fiancé.

Or, soon to be, I guess.

I felt somewhat hopeful until I felt his strong hand tightly grip my shoulder, now guiding me into one of the empty dressing rooms, shutting the door behind us, but all hope I had was quickly depleted as I heard the click of the lock.

If he wanted to hit me, that was fine. I could take that.
As long as he left my hands alone.
I could take a busted face, but if I couldn't play..

"What do you want to talk about?" I finally asked, trying my best to mask my nerves with a forced confident tone. He smirked back at me, shaking his head. He could tell. I went over towards the empty vanity, much dingier than Juliette's. I wondered which acts got rooms like these.

Probably temporary ones.

The longer he held his stare on me, the more my heart began to race. I knew what he was doing. I had dealt with guys like him all the time. But unfortunately, this time, it was working.

"I know what's going on." He finally said. His eyes were dark and empty, a depressed shade of grey like the sky before a storm. How suiting for him.
"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn. His smile grew as he shook his head again. I guess there was no point in lying now. He had seen us this time with his own two eyes.

"You know what I mean." He sneered. "You. And Juliette." I bit down on my lip, eventually nodding, wanting nothing more than to look away from his chilling glare, but then he'd definitely know he had gotten to me, and despite how true that was, I wanted to hold out for as long as possible.

"Mhm.." I murmured. It was all I could manage. I could literally feel myself crumbling. What was happening? I was suddenly starting to understand how Juliette could fold so easily to him. How he managed to make someone feel so small..

I couldn't imagine what else she had gone through all these years.

"But I'm not stupid." He said. I shook my head, not wanting to give him any impression that I thought so. I did, I just didn't want him to know I thought so. But I stayed quiet, hoping he'd eventually just spit it out. Either that, or just hit me and get it over with so I could get back to Julia.

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