Chapter 59: Tell Them My Name

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Jake's P.O.V

"Hey, can I talk to y-" Julia started, but was cut off at the sound of the door swinging open, Tony barging in, his eyes never once leaving his phone. Just like always. I feel like I had only made eye contact with him a few times since we've been here, perhaps that phone being his most important relationship. Ironic considering how often he complained about being single.

"There are my boys!" He called out.
"Your boys?" Julia asked, squeezing my hand tighter. I couldn't help but smile, loving when she got territorial over me, no matter how innocent. Tony shrugged her off, sitting down close next to Sam.

"Since they joined the tour, they're my boys now. I handle them just as much as I handle you." He said, peeking over a me.
"Well.." He added. "Maybe not all of them." My smile grew as my cheeks burned red, peeking over at Julia who was already shooting him a look.

I wondered how much she had told him about me.
I wondered if she talked about me at all.

"So anyway.." He said, turning back to us. "I just got off the phone with one of the venues in your hometown, and they've been asking about when you're coming back home, and apparently the demand for you guys has skyrocketed since the tour began, so I thought, what better way than to celebrate with a hometown show."

Our eyes instantly went wide, looking around at each other with that same sense of excitement we had had since the beginning. Hometown shows have always been our favorite. Ever since we've really gone out on the road, we never felt more welcome than we did back in Michigan. They truly made us feel like we were somebodies, long before anyone else did.

"When?" Sam asked, leaning in closer.
"So, in order for it to make sense with this touring schedule, I have you there next Saturday." Tony said, flashing us a satisfied smile. "We have enough wiggle room where we can be there for a few days, so you can enjoy some time home too. Much deserved."

This was all so exciting, but I couldn't help but notice how Julia's mood had instantly changed, which was.. confusing. I thought.. this would be something she'd be excited about. She had let us into her life, and now it was finally my turn to show her where we came from. And I was proud of our home; I couldn't wait to share that with her. But even still, a part of me was nervous, knowing that no matter how much it meant to me, I knew it would never compare to the life she had lead. I could only hope that she could learn to love and appreciate it in the same way that I had.

"The word is going out tomorrow, so be ready for that." Tony added, before pushing himself up from the couch. "Now you guys are on soon." He motioned towards the door, looking back at Julia. She then squeezed my hand, peeking up at me.

"Right." I said, catching on, getting up to follow them. I loved our small moments alone before going on stage. Ever since she first started wishing me luck before we went on, I've been having the best shows of my life.

I don't know what I'd do if I ever had to go without them.

"Oh, there he goes again." Josh yelled. I rolled my eyes, pulling my pass out from under my shirt before wrapping my arm around Julia, pulling her in closer, leading us down the hallway.

"So.. that's exciting." She finally said, peeking up at me, reaching over for my hand again. My smile grew as she intertwined our fingers, giving me our usual three squeezes. I squeezed her back.

"Yeah. I can't wait to get home for a little bit. Hometown shows are the best. People actually know us." I laughed, knowing that was never something she had to worry about. "And.. if you'd like, I'd.. really love to show you around. You can see where I grew up and.. you could meet everyone.. if.. if you wanted to." She nodded, staying quiet as she bit down on her lip.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked, starting to feel my heart beat faster. "Would you.. not be into that? I mean, I know we're not exactly exclusive and.. maybe it's too soon to meet the family and.. it's no Beverly Hills, but-"
"No, no, no.. that's not it." She assured me. I felt a little better. "Jake, I.. I would love to, it's just that.. that's the same night as the Grammy's." She muttered.

My stomach dropped.
The Grammy's.
How could I have forgotten.

"Oh.." I exhaled, the only thing I could manage. This was so important to her and I had just.. forgotten. But even still, this was important to me, and.. I would understand if she didn't want to come.

It was then I realized that the important things in my life would never come close to the important things in hers.

We stayed quiet for the remainder of the walk as I guided us backstage and through the darkness, into the wings on my side of the stage. She stood back as I grabbed one of the guitars from the stand, adjusting the strap and making sure it was in tune.

"I.. I understand if.. if you want to go home." She said softly. "It's just.. I.. I really wanted you to be there with me." It nearly broke my heart. I turned back to face her, looking like she was seconds away from crying.
"Really?" I asked. She nodded, biting down on her lip.
"But.. I also.. I would love to go back home with you." She said. My heart jumped, my smile growing.

"I would love for you to come home with me too." I said. "But.. it's gonna be a big night for you, and.. I don't want you missing it for some.. silly show in Michigan."

But to me, it wasn't some silly show.
It meant everything.

"It's not silly if it's important to you." She said.
"But it's no Grammy's." I shrugged. Every day it became more and more apparent how different our world's were.
"We'll have it on at the house, don't worry, I'll see you win." I said, forcing a smile. I never wanted her to feel like I wasn't happy for her, I was thrilled for her, but I couldn't put my work aside for her either. And this was important to me.

"Don said he's going to propose.. on stage.. after I win." She muttered. And in that moment, I thought I was going to be sick. It was finally happening. I eventually nodded, avoiding her eyes.
"Even more reason.. why you should be there, right?"
"Jake, that's not-"
"Did you make up your mind?" I asked, knowing that I couldn't keep putting myself through this if in the end.. he would always win.

"About what you're gonna say. When he asks you." I hated being so blunt with her, but I just needed to know. And in what world would she ever pick me over someone like him?

But when she stared at me like that, with eyes so big and beautiful, so dark and haunted, having seen things that no normal person could ever dream of seeing, and now they were looking at me. They were looking at me like I was the only thing that mattered in the world, and for these few minutes I actually believed in, because how badly I wanted to be the center of her world.

"Jake, what's wrong?" She finally asked. I shook my head, forcing another smile.
"Nothing." I sighed, knowing that nothing that I could say could change anything between us. She was going to get married, and soon I would be nothing but a foggy memory she might look back on fondly when she told her future children about the many times she toured the world.

I hope she'd at least tell them my name.

"I just.. would have really loved for you to have been there too." I managed, trying my best to keep my breaths steady, not wanting to be crying when I went out on stage. Her face dropped.

"Then.. I want to be there." She finally said. And it was like something was ignited within me. Was she saying what I think she was saying? There was no way..

She flashed me a smile, reaching over for my hand, making my heart jump as she squeezed it three times.

I loved her too.

I loved Julia, and I just needed her to know.
"Julia.." I whispered, now gently caressing her face as she leaned into a deep kiss, tangling her fingers in my hair until a giddy grin escaped from my lips, just like it always did when she kissed me.

And I knew, if she wanted, there would never be a day when her kiss didn't make me the happiest man in the world. And if she let me, I would spend every day doing whatever I could to show her that she deserved nothing but the best. Not Juliette, but Julia.

"We can talk after." She sighed. "Have a good show."

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