Chapter 29: Imminent Heartbreak

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Jake's P.O.V

I peeked back over at her as we waiting by the bar. It was so weird to see someone like her in a place like this. I'm sure she had never stepped foot in a place like this before, so I couldn't help but wonder what life was truly like for her when no one was looking.

"So, they're engaged." Sam said. I snapped out of it, looking back over at him.
"Well, not technically. N-not yet."
"But they will be." I shrugged, looking back over at her, wondering if there was a world where it was even possible that her and I could actually end up together.

"We don't know that. She.. she hasn't made up her mind yet." I muttered, my stomach dropping when I heard his quiet laughter.
"Jake.." He sighed, shooting me a look. I knew what that meant.
"I know." I groaned, now avoiding his eyes.
"I just.. I don't want you to get hurt." I shrugged again, peeking back over at the table.

But she was worth getting hurt over.

"I think it's a little too late for that." I said softly, smirking back up at him. He sighed, rolling his eyes.
"And why's that?" He asked.
"I.. I don't know, I.. I really like her, and.. well, I think she might actually.. like me too."
"And maybe she does, why wouldn't she, but.. that doesn't change the situation. You really think she's gonna give up all of this, for someone like you? And.. I'm sorry, I know that sounds bad but-"
"No, I know." I sighed.

And he was right.
We were nobodies compared to her.
Why would she throw it all away for me?
Who was I to someone like her?

And then she looked over at me, and it felt like I could melt right into the floor, flashing me a timid grin before quickly turning back to Josh.

But.. why couldn't she like someone like me? Maybe.. someone like me could be good for someone like her. We could teach each other things, we could learn from each other.

I could treat her better than anyone, especially someone like Don, who didn't care what happened to her. All he cared about was saving his own ass. He even admitted it, he knew he was nothing without her, so why couldn't she see that?

Finally the bartender brought over our drinks. I grabbed two and made my way back over to the table, sliding closely into the booth next to her.
"Here we go." I said. She smirked up at me, making my heart jump before her eyes moved back down to the glass in front of her. I couldn't help but smile, knowing she was used to something.. much nicer.

"This is what you guys like?" She asked, carefully examining it. I nodded, giggling to myself. She was just.. so cute, whether she realized it or not. I nodded, grabbing a napkin and meticulously wiping it down for her, making sure it was spotless.

"Don't worry, your highness, I got it." I laughed, sliding it back in front of her. She smiled back up at me, her cheeks burning an adorable shade of blushing pink.
"Thank you." She mouthed before reluctantly taking a sip.

At least she was trying.

"Sorry we can't afford the top shelf." Sam joked, taking a sip of his drink, but keeping his eyes locked on her. Despite everything that has gone on between her and I, I couldn't ignore the way they were with each other, the way they've been since the moment they met. There was something there, whether either of them wanted to admit it or not. But.. she said she liked me, so.. I wanted to believer her.

I did believer her.
But.. that didn't mean she didn't feel anything for him either.

She shrugged, holding her stare on him before looking around the bar, no doubt judging it, and more than likely us for even enjoying a place like this.

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