Chapter 6: I Would Be There

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I could feel myself finally starting to calm down. I let go of Sam's hand, reaching over for the water bottle he brought in.

"Does this happen a lot?" Sam asked, handing it to me. I shrugged.
"Sometimes." I said, taking a big sip. He held his stare.
"Do you think it's worth it?" I hesitated, biting down on my lip.
"I don't really think I have a choice at this point." I laughed. He nodded.
"I hope that doesn't change your mind about staying." He smirked.
"No." He said sweetly, running his hand through his hair. "We'll be okay."

"Good." I said. "Cause I am glad you guys are here. It could be much worse." I laughed. He smiled, rolling his eyes.
"Don't worry, we'll do our best to make you look good." I nodded.
"Thank you."

He stared at me for a moment, I could tell he was thinking about something.
"What is it?" I asked. He hesitated.
"So.. how come Don isn't here?" He asked. I felt my cheeks burn.
"He.. well, his band, they're working on their new album." He nodded, keeping his eyes on me. I knew how it sounded.
"Okay.." He said quietly. I could tell he wanted to say more.

"What?" I sighed.
"It's just.. if my girlfriend was closing out a world tour.. like this? I would be there." He mumbled, now looking down at his hands. "I.. I'm sorry. I don't want to overstep." I felt my stomach drop.
"Yeah.. I wish he was here." I said. "But.. this is our job. We.. can't always be there." Sam nodded, keeping his eyes down.

"Well, he said he'd try to make it out to our first show so.. you guys can meet him then." He looked back up at me, forcing a smile.
"Great." He said.

I knew what he was thinking. I always knew what everyone was thinking about me and Don. But they didn't understand. You couldn't have a normal relationship with lives like ours. Don and I had been together for what feels like my entire life. I didn't know any different. I wouldn't even know how to be with anyone else, if the opportunity presented itself. But things were fine. I always knew he meant well, even if no one else did. And that's all that mattered. 


Sam got up from the bed reaching for the door. He peeked back at me.
"Would you like any other visitors?" He asked, smirking at me. My cheeks burned. I nodded. His smile grew as he shut the door behind him.

I finished the rest of my water, pushing the hair out of my face. Looking around, I pushed off the dirty clothes from the bed, straightening up the covers. I stopped. What was I doing? 

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I called out. Jake peeked his head in the doorway. I smiled, feeling my cheeks burn again. I quickly shook the feeling.

"Hi." I said, waving him in. He came in, shutting the door behind him.
"Sam said you wanted to talk to me." He said quietly. I nodded.
"Um.. y-yeah." I said, sitting up against my pillows. I grabbed one, holding it against my stomach. He sat down at the far end of the bed. I giggled, patting the spot next to me.
"You can get closer to me." I said, feeling my face get redder. What was happening? 

He smirked, moving a little closer.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked. I sighed, nodding.
"Yeah. Thanks." I said, smiling at him. He stared back at me with his big brown eyes. I felt my heart beat faster the longer he stared.
"I.. um, I wanted to talk about.. before." I finally said.
"What about before?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for running off on you.. at the club. I didn't mean anything by it. I just.. I saw everyone with their phones out.. and I just.. I don't want you getting involved in all of this." He smiled back at me, shaking his head.
"I don't mind." He said sweetly. "I know what I signed up for."  I rolled my eyes, smiling back at him.
"You don't mind yet. Until you literally cannot have a single private moment without there being cameras shoved in your face." He smirked at me, his eyes getting wide.

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