Chapter 55: The Only One I Wanted

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And just like always, our time alone together was short lived. But thankfully, I recognized Amy's familiar knock, the only one I wouldn't mind interrupting.
"It's open." I sighed, staying cuddled in his lap. At this point, I didn't care who saw us anymore.

As she made her way in, she playfully rolled her eyes.
"You two aren't even trying to hide it." She laughed, plopping down into the chair across from us. "How was the interview? He seemed like.. he wasn't here very long." Jake peeked over at me, biting down on his lip, trying his best to contain his smile.

"Yeah, well.. Jake kinda.. threw him out." I laughed. She stared back at us, wide-eyed.
"What do you mean Jake threw him out?!"
"He was being disrespectful." He muttered, avoiding her eyes, smirking back at me. I couldn't help but smile, wrapping my arms around him, leaning my head on his shoulder. Amy was quiet for a moment, just watching us when I saw her start to relax.

"What happened?" She finally asked.
"He was touching her, and asking her things that.. I know he would have never asked if she was a guy, and.. I just.. I couldn't sit there and not doing anything, she's my gi-" He stopped himself, peeking back over at me, as if asking if it was okay. I nodded.
"She's my girlfriend." He said softly, moving his hand onto my leg, pulling me in closer. Amy was quiet again, her eyes shooting back over to me.

"If that's what you two want to call it.." She eventually sighed. "Then fine. I can't say I didn't see it coming. But.. we can't forget the bigger picture here." I knew what she meant. Just because we considered ourselves together, it wasn't like we could even act like a normal couple.

And I was still nervous about when Don would show up again, knowing it was only going to be that much worse.

"But.. I guess congrats." She joked, giving us an excited grin. "I was always rooting for him." I shot her a look, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Aw, did you talk about me?" He asked, gently turning my face back towards him. I guess at this point there was no hiding it anymore.
"I always talk about you." I sighed, leaning into a gentle kiss.
"It's true, she does." Amy muttered.
"I talk about you too." He whispered, playfully nudging me.

"Alright, you two are adorable, we get it. Now I need to get Juliette ready for the show, and Jake, you and the guys have an interview in twenty." She said, scrolling through her phone.
"Can I sit in during theirs?" I asked, just wanting as much time with him as possible. She shook her head without looking up from her phone.
"No." She said simply. "The last thing we need is someone writing about the fact that you were lingering around him." I peeked over at him, feeling my cheeks burn again.

I knew that she was right. I just wanted to do things that normal girlfriends got to do when their boyfriends were in bands. He was there for me, I wanted to be there for him too.

"Okay, but if she touches you or asks you what underwear you wear on stage.." I started. He shook his head, giggling to himself as he pulled me into a long kiss.
"Then I'll kick her out too." He joked. "You're the only one who can ask me about my underwear."
"That's right." I laughed, climbing out of his lap. I peeked over at Amy who was now standing by the door, waiting.

"Amy, can we just-"
"Alright, alright. I'll be outside. But make it quick." She groaned, flashing us a sly grin before shutting the door behind her. I waited a minute, listening as she took a few steps down the hall.

"I think we should really talk about before." I said softly, unsure of who could still hear. He nodded, his face dropping.
"Please don't take my pass away." He joked, giving me those adorable puppy-dog eyes that always managed to make me melt. "I promise, I'll behave next time." I shook my head, giggling to myself as I pulled him into another long kiss.
"I hope not." I whispered.
"Julia!" He laughed, his smile growing as his eyes grew wide, reaching up and pulling me into another kiss.

"But really.." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck, staring back up at him.
"What is it?" He asked, understanding that I was serious.
"Do you.. do you really think that.. this is too revealing? I mean.. maybe if I wasn't wearing-"
"No." He said, quickly cutting me off. "You look incredible. I'm sorry about what I said. I was out of line. I just.. I know how incredible you look, so I know that means.. everyone clearly see's how incredible you look. And.. maybe I get a little jealous, but that's not your fault. That's.. a 'me' problem, and.. I'm working on it. But.. it's kinda hard when you're the most.. beautiful woman in the entire world.." He joked, playfully rolling his eyes. "But I'm working on it. I promise. You've never given me a reason to be, it's just.. it's me."

I couldn't believe how much I loved him.
Never did I think I could ever feel this much for someone before. But with him, it just happened so effortlessly. He made me love love again.

I reached up, gently caressing his face, pulling him into a gentle kiss.
"It's okay. I.. I like how you get when you're jealous." I giggled. "You made me feel.. safe, and I really appreciated that. I usually just have to.. deal with it, so they don't write about me to make me look bad. So.. thank you. No one's ever done something like that for me before." He nodded.
"And I'd do it again." He smirked.
"And I hope you do. You can sit in on every interview from now on."
"And.. you should wear whatever you want, and I will always be there to make sure no creeps even think about touching you." My heart jumped, my whole body now feeling like it was on fire. I grabbed onto his jacket, now leaning in close.

He was the only one I wanted to touch me.

"Maybe.. after the show you can.. help me take this off." I whispered, gently kissing his neck. I felt his body tense up, nodding enthusiastically.
"I.. I can do that." He stuttered, his cheeks now burning red.
"Okay. Then.. I'll see you tonight."
"Yes you will."
"Okay.." I sighed, stalling for as long as I could. He noticed, motioning towards the door before leaning into another quick kiss.
"I'll see you tonight, Julia."
"Alright." I groaned, finally forcing myself to let go, making my way out into the hallway.

Sam's P.O.V

I barely slept, constantly tossing and turning, unable to stop replaying our conversation over and over in my head.

"There was a time when it could have been you, but now it can't."

It could have been me. If I wasn't so stupid, I would probably be with her right now, instead of waiting around for some interview that probably wasn't even going to be printed anyway.

"You alright?" I heard from behind me as Josh made his way out into the main area of the bus. I shrugged, keeping my eyes out the window as he slid into the seat across from me.

"You were up pretty late last night with Juliette." He said. My stomach dropped, now wondering how much he heard.
"Mhm.." I muttered. He shot me a look.
"What did you hear?" I finally asked.
"I heard enough." He said. I sighed, knowing there was no use denying anything now.

"She loves him." I said softly, hating that I was having this conversation. He nodded, giving me a gentle smile.
"But.. that's good, right? This whole time he was worried.. because he didn't know how she felt so.. now we know and.. we can tell him."
"I don't think she wants him to know. It.. it seemed like.. she hasn't said it to him yet." He held his stare on me for a moment, assessing the situation.

"You seem.. upset." He finally said. I shrugged, avoiding his eyes.
"Sam.. you can tell me."
"She said it could have been me, but I'm the one that screwed it up." I snapped. "That it's my fault that we aren't together, meanwhile I'm the one that basically begged her to give him a chance, and the whole time, I was just.. looking out for him, because I knew how he felt about her and-"
"Wait wait wait.." He said, waving me off. "W-what are you saying?"
"Nothing." I sighed. "It doesn't matter anyway. She's crazy about him, so.. if she's happy then.. whatever. But.. I don't think we should tell him. I think that.. she should tell him, on her own time. It wouldn't be fair to take that away from them." He nodded, holding his stare on me.

"Alright.. but.. you're okay?" He asked. I nodded, finishing the rest of my drink before pushing myself up from the table.
"I'm fine. Come on. Let's get this interview over with."

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