Chapter 61

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A month later
Madelyns pov
"Please come out if your room Els" I beg my daughter for the last time. It's been a month and now she hardly talks to us. She hardly talks to Cooper, her friends, anyone. Even Olivia. "Fine, ignore me then" I say, giving up and going to see Chase in our bedroom. "Any luck?" He asks and I shake my head. " I just don't understand why she won't talk to us" I say, resting my head on his chest. "She will in her own time" he tells me.

"I love our kids a lot but I miss when it was just us two" I tell him. "That's normal, Mads. Don't feel bad" he tells me. "How about me and you go on a little trip? A little weekend break away we can leave on Friday" he suggests has it makes me smile. "Really? I would love that" I say. "I'll arrange it later" he tells me. Madison invited everyone around to her house for a party. She says she has some big news which she want to share so everyone was going to hers tonight. That meant getting Ellie out the house which is difficult.

"Olivia fuck off I don't even like you" I hear being shouted by Ellie and a sad looking Olivia enters our room. She climb on our bed, "Whys Ellie being so mean to me" she asks and I hug her. "She's being mean to everyone at the minute" Chase tells our daughter. "Why though?" Liv questions. "She's going through a hard time. She'll be fine soon" I tell her. "But it's been agesss Mom" Liv complains. "Give her time, she'll be back" I say.

"Can I wear my dress?" She asks sweetly. Olivia was totally unpredictable, somedays she would beg to wear a dress and others it would be a soccer kit. Since she was quite small for her age, she could fit into smaller clothes. She was 11 but the height of a 9 year old. "Yes, you can wear your dress" I say laughing. "If I get the younger ones bathed and dressed will you attempt to get Ellie to try get dressed and come with us?" I ask Chase who nodded.

Chases pov
Since Liv was capable of getting ready and doing her hair herself, she went to her bedroom to get sorted for the party whilst Mads got Finn and Addie sorted. I had the job of getting Ellie to at least come with us. I knock on her door and enter the room. She was lying on her bed, her hood up and just staring at the ceiling. "We are all going to Madisons party in an hour. Including you" I say quite sternly so she would listen.

"I'm not" she says and I mentally prepare myself. This was going to be more difficult than I thought. "Yes you are. It's not a choice, especially after everything Madison does for you" I tell her, trying to be soft yet strict. "I'm not fucking going, Dad" she says and pulls her blanket over her head. "Look Els, it's been a month since you've talked to is properly. We have tried everything, it's like you don't want to be apart of the family anymore" I tell her. "I'm talking to you right now" she says, sassily. I just sigh.

"We are leaving in an hour and you're coming. Whether I have to carry you to the car or not. Now please, put some decent clothes on" I say and leave her bedroom. I join Madelyn and I see she has the two younger ones dressed. Olivia was there too with her dress on and a hairbrush in her hand. "Dad will you plait my hair please, Moms busy" she asks me sweetly. "Of course, come here" I say and begin plaiting her hair. Madelyn taught me how to do hair considering we had so many girls. I must admit, I'm rather good at it.

When it was time to leave, I knocked on Ellies door and she opened it. I was relieved to see she had nice clothes on and her hair brushed. "Thank you. Can I have a hug?" I ask her and she just shakes her head and walks past me. I'm seriously worried about her. I know the pill could cause depression and everything which worried me a lot. "Is everyone ready to party" Maddie cheers and all the kids (except Els) cheer and shout.

When we arrive at Madison's house, there was balloons and everything. The news she was planning on telling us clearly was special and important. "Uncle Chaseee" James says as he runs up to me. "Hi Kid" I say, ruffling his hair before he runs off with James. Everyone was already here obviously, we are always the last to turn up to any events (even before we had the 4 kids).

"Auntie Maddie, where is Addie?" Izzy asks Mads softly. "She's outside playing soccer with James and Finn" Maddie replies. "Come on, I'll show you Iz" Olivia says and takes her to join the others. Meanwhile Ellie was just sat down on her phone. Cooper was here and tried talking to her but nothing.

"How's stuff going Els?" Drew asks. Ellie just shrugs her shoulders. We had to warn everyone about her moods recently incase they thought she was just being rude. "Els, come here" Madelyn says and holds her hand out for Ellie, which she takes and they head off to a different room.

Madelyns pov
I take Ellie to a separate room to talk to her. "Ellie you can't just sit there in silence" I say and she looks at me, "Why not?" She asks. "Because they're like your family! You love them" I say. "But I don't want to be here Mom!" She says loudly. "The party?" I ask confused as to what she meant. "Anywhere" she says. "Please just try and have fun for tonight, try to forget about everything" I tell her and she nods. I go to give her a hug but she quickly moves out the way. She hasn't hugged either me or Chase in a month.

"One last thing, are you not hot? It's summer and you're wearing long sleeves" I say. "Oh. Erm" she shutters. "I'm just cold" she adds on suspiciously. I would deal with that tomorrow.

"Now that everyone's here, we have news to share" Madison says loudly and stands at the front with Mariah and Izzy in her arms. "Go on Izzy, you tell everyone" Mariah says. "There's a baby in Mommy's tummy. I go be big sister" she says cutely. Everyone was surprised and cheered things like congratulations. Except Ellie.

"How far along are you?" I ask Madison. "I'm two months" she replies and Ellie stands up and walks over to her, she looks pissed. "So there you are telling me it's ok to kill my baby yet you had one growing inside of you?" Ellie yells, loud enough for everyone to hear. We didn't tell everyone the reason as to why she wasn't doing good. We just told people she wasn't feeling too good mentally which was true but they didn't know it was due to the face she had an abortion. "Ellie, I'm sorry. I meant what I said" Madison says, surprised.

"Oh fuck off. You knew you were pregnant and you told me 'it's fine you didn't do anything wrong'. Huh she why didn't you do it, Madison!" She says rudely. I honestly don't know where it's all coming from. "Enough, Ellie!" Chase shouts. "None of y'all have even a clue about my life anymore" she says which makes us all confused. "Ellie, stop!" I say. "Fuck off, Madelyn!" She shouts and runs out the house. I go to go after her but Chase pulls me back, "leave it" he says and I do, she needs time to calm down.

"Oh my god, Madison I'm so sorry. I don't know why she acted like that" I say. "Don't worry, I understand her emotions are high" she tells me. Everyone looked so confused as to what happened. "Look everyone, I know I shouldn't really be telling you all this without my permission but last month Els had an abortion. Ever since it's been hard on her, she doesn't talk to me and Chase even. I'm sorry the night had to end this way. It's not like her, as you all know" I tell everyone.

"Don't stress Maddie, it's fine. The night isn't over yet, as long as Els is good that's all that matters" Madison says. "I think we need to get her therapy Chase" I tell him quietly. It's something we thought about recently. "Yeah. I agree" he tells me.

"I'll go find her" Chase says and leaves the house, hoping to find Ellie.

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