Chapter 50

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With Darrius in our bed, there wasn't much hope for the unmentionables I wanted to do to the man. But, it probably did us good to have a break from each other. The more I worried, the more I wanted him, the more my wolf wanted to protect him and he was in need of healing still. 

It was tempting to take another enhancer, though I asked myself if it was necessary or the desire to use again that pushed me to crave it. I slipped out of bed with little caution, with Darrius curled up against Verando's chest, there wasn't a chance he was going to wake up. My warlord, much as he loved being on time and prompt, had always had a toxic relationship with sleeping in. The man took advantage of a late morning every chance he got. 

It never failed to amuse me how he would nearly sigh in contentment for a moment of full use of the bed and yet still seek me out, disliking sleeping alone. Much as I'd prefer our children not be in our bed, it brought him a great deal of comfort to know where they were and to have them close. Naturally, they seemed to have adopted his tendencies. I was the third wheel, Darrius soaked up the natural warmth for my body was constantly at odds with it's temperature now a days. 

Getting dressed, I creep down the hallway, peering into the younger version of my husband's room to see he was much like his older self. Curled up with his back against the wall, clutching pillows, he would of had young Caspian in here if he thought we wouldn't be upset with him.  We'd decided it was best to keep them apart for now given that Caspian seemed to like to provide him with drugs. Seeing him like this now, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe that was a form of torture, he hated to sleep alone.

The poor man seemed to just be coming to the end of his detox. It pleased me to see that he looked like he was finally starting to put on some weight, despite the lack of restful sleep, he was appearing much more healthy than when he'd arrived. I admire the longer hair as it cascades around his face in the dim morning light, I'd have to ask Verando if he'd entertain growing it out again, sometimes I missed the untamed warlord.

Almost snickering to myself, I catch the knife as it flies towards my face. Randy pants, staring at me wildly before grumbling to himself, undoubtedly cursing my name for the audacity of entering the room. "For the love of the gods! What are you doing in here?!" He seethes, "Nearly scared me half to death! Why are you laughing?!"

I put my finger to my lips to silence him, achieving an eye roll that is a minor version of the one we knew so well today. To my surprise, he's totally naked, I can't help but steal a glance at the unaltered form. I prefer my original, proudly able to avert my gaze though it doesn't go unnoticed as he scrambles for his blanket. "Get dressed, we're supposed to be spending time together, remember?" 

While he dawns clothes, I tread to my office, gathering some of my stashed cash from my one hero mission as well as a piece of paper to scribble down a note. In today's time, I wasn't much of a fan of phone messages and Verando would surely worry. 

'Taking Randy out. Be back soon. - Nic'

It seems so impersonal. I scratch out my name, considering rumbling the paper. Often, it wasn't me who left the notes and my penmanship and way of signing all came down on my shoulders with an annoying amount of perfectionism. I'd never cared about it before, but this wasn't some official document requiring my simple signature. This was a declaration to my husband that I was alright.

 I jot down 'Yours' instead, flush at the nature of it and decide that was good enough. I could imagine his face, the boyish grin and the irritation that'd I'd left without him to spend time with another man, even if it was his younger self. 

With the note left on the desk, I know that's the first place he'd look for me when he realized I was gone, I gather Randy. It's a quick decision as I grab the keys to Verando's car. This would be much easier to navigate in and I wouldn't have to worry about him leaving by himself to find us.

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