Chapter 2 - Pink lady

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" So what do we do now ?" I asked.

" I don't know what to do " . Pam said.

"Okay why don't you find a way to contact your fiancee and tell him about your situation".I  suggested since the dumb ass didn't know how to think.

" I can't do that ". She looked away.

I became suspicious" And why is that ?"

" Because Cisco threatened to harm him if I tired to seek his help". Pam said with anguish.

" Are you trying to say that your fiancee hasn't called you for the past one week". I was already getting tired of Pam's dull, sickly not smart attitude.

" Well.... he has".she finally replied reasonably.

" Soo....??what did you tell him about your whereabouts?"

" Cisco made me lie to him the first time he called,I told him that I was attending a distant relative's funeral in Asia and I would be back before our wedding".

" Wow !!..... I have to hand it to him, he's really good at lying".

"Sally you have to help me soon." She took hold of my hand again and squeezed it . "I have to get back to Nigeria for my wedding,he was already really mad at me for not informing him before I left the country ......I can't afford to lose him" . Tears flowed her cheeks as she pleaded.

" It's ok, I'll help you after you tell me how you met my husband".

I saw  hesitation in her eyes before she spoke.

" I came to England to buy my wedding dress and I ......". She paused and sniffed ,she then stood straight and wiped the tears on her face.
" I saw him outside the shop......his car had just broken down , his driver was finding it hard to repair and it seemed like he was running late for something . I felt pity and since my hotel was not far from the shop I offered the taxi I hired and he gladly accepted,we ended up exchanging phone numbers and he called me later to thank me for the help I offered him" .

You dared collected my husband's phone number you bitch!
   If it were any other case ,I would have slapped her across the face .

" That was the last time we talked until he showed up in Nigeria, demanding that I become his wife ".

I was more than  confused not knowing whether to believe her or not. It just doesn't make any  sense.

"How did he know you live in Nigeria? Why did he beg you to marry him?how did he even know where to find you in Nigeria ? how did he know the exact place to find you ?" I asked bewildered.

Has Francisco being stalking her ?

" To all your questions ....I ..don't ..know."

Cisco was a very cunning man,I knew that . In fact all men were cunning . Even my mother didn't approve our  marriage,She had never liked him but We got married in the end.

My mother once said that she saw greed and selfishness in Cisco and he was only after our wealth. She said that he probably wanted to marry me so that he would have access to our money and then one day he would kick me out after gaining full control.

I never paid attention to her ,I thought she was just one of those desperate mums trying to marry their daughter off into a prestigious family.

   Cisco was just a regular and ordinary man. I was the one with all the wealth and luxury and so my mum wanted me to marry some rich guy.
     She had been angry that I turned down all her arranged marriages and blind dates for Cisco .

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