Chapter 16 - Hide the burn.

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    I rushed into my room to put on a jacket,I couldn't possibly take of my dress without the doctor's help or I might worsen the burn.
     I had to get to hospital and get back in time before Sally and her husband returns. Those brats were lucky,what I initially had in mind was to give them a taste of their on medicine. I had earlier went into Sally's room to get the iron ,I was actually waiting for it to get extremely hot. My plan was to burn their skins and make sure it peels off , I was in pain because of Iris. I was planning to ruin her face and burn off her skin.

            I had to calm myself or I would have ended up doing something that would put me in jail and then I would loss everything. Whipping them was the best option I had and that was a pretty good idea ,the only problem was....the concealer wouldn't stay forever on their skins. Their mother would probably find out sooner or later.
   I don't care actually...i already have a plan to cover that up. I just hope those girls would do as I told them or their would be war in this house.
   Cisco wasn't on my side anymore or maybe he still was. Whether he's still on my side or not, I already have a back up plan. I better brace myself for what would happen if Sally returns.

             Grabbing my car keys ,I went to the garage and entered my car . I drove to a small private clinic ,one that wasn't popular. The place looked like a deserted island,there was an old lady -or nurse behind the counter. There were a few people sitting on the waiting chair probably waiting for the doctor. The people there were all old ,they all irritated me. I should have gone to a first class hospital but I didn't want Sally or Cisco to find out about my injury by any chance.
   I sat down on an empty chair in between two old ladies. One of them had a running nose and kept picking her nose with her finger,it was so irritating. She dug her fingers dip Into  her nostrils and brought it out along with some sticky fluid.
    Oh dear,I almost threw up. I don't think I'll be able to wait more than five minutes here. I used my hand to cover my nose,even the air stinks .
    I waited and waited and felt like forever. I almost lost it until the doctor finally came. He wasn't that young and wasn't old either ,somewhere between fifty to sixty.

"Whose next ?".  He said smiling brightly. " Sorry for taking your time ,I had a critical case to handle".

"Finally, I've spent almost three hours sitting here".  The old lady with the running nose said and stood up.

"Wait!...umm can I go in first, I don't think I can wait any longer".  I got up quickly and walked towards the doctor,I wasn't going to wait the whole day here when I could actually do something about it and beside my burn was beginning to secrete some transparent fluid and it hurts a lot.

"Hey!! You just came in a few minutes ago ".  The nurse said rather rudely.

"Yeah ...why don't you wait your turn,that's how it's done here". An old man shouted.

" I've been waiting too,and I didn't complain. Go sit down and wait your turn". Another screamed angrily,the whole place was turning into a circus .

"Ma'am , please go back to your sit and be patient".  The doctor told me calmly.

These old people think I was wretched like them." I'll pay, I'll pay any Amount you want. Just attend to me first".I stared into the man's eyes,any moment now ..the bomb would drop.

I saw him sallow and he looked around,his small clinic could use some maintenance and this old people can't help him in anyway with the meager amount they pay for treatment. I saw the look the old women gave me and I raised my chin in pride.
     Yes! I love this feeling....they should know their place .
   The man looked at me again and nodded. He them led me into his office. I could tell those wretched people were hissing at me as I left the waiting room.

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