Chapter 36- The Hook up

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             That idiot was grinning at me, I knew he was enjoying this. On a normal day, he would gladly accept an extra duty just to get his promotion but declining to handle this simple case meant he wouldn't mind losing the promotion to me and he would do anything to see me embarrassed.
          I had managed to stop him from sharing that video but that was under a compulsion of getting lunch every day and buying him game cards for his stupid video games.

        I sometimes wonder what kind of grown-up man plays video games, well he wasn't fully grown. He was younger than me and only got this job because his dad was a high-ranking officer.

        I sighed and tried to control my breathing. How was I supposed to face her when we were alone? I had never forgotten about what happened between us the last time we met and I wanted to clear things out but I didn't have the courage to.
       I uncuffed the thief and shoved him into the cell and then led her to my desk. She hadn't said a word since and it was making me uncomfortable, seeing her alone made my chest pound.

I cleared my throat trying not to sound nervous. " Umm...we should get started, it's getting late so you should be out of here roughly 30 minutes from now. "
     She sat across me and kept staring at me. She had that creepy smile on her face. It made me feel jitters.

   "Please let's concentrate". I said, my palms were beginning to sweat.

" I'm focused, you're the one who looks distracted". 

I adjusted myself on my chair, was it that obvious? " Why wouldn't I be when you keep staring."

She drew her chair closer and used both hands to support her jaw on the table. " Did you miss me? I can tell you did. "

I almost choked on my saliva. " No ..I did not, I never thought of you. I had forgotten you existed".

Shut up stupid!! You thought of her every single second of your life and how her lips tasted, an inner voice screamed in my head.
  My face turned bright red.
       Gosh! Why do I have to be so embarrassed right now? She must have noticed the colour change in my face and attempted to touch my forehead but I immediately backed off.

" Are you okay? You look flustered". She was looking genuinely concerned.

" I'm..I'm..umm..I'm fine". Great! Now my voice is cracking.

"Or did you just think about something stupid ?" She winked. I wished the earth could swallow me. " Like our first kiss?". She added with that stupid smirk on her face.

This time I did choke and my face turned into a tomato, I didn't know how to reply because it was partly true. I couldn't get that scene out of my head.

    Finally able to compose myself, I searched my brain for some words. " About shouldn't have happened and it was your fault".

"My fault ??" She looked shocked.

I wasn't going to let her win this time. " You kissed me first ".

"Because you asked for it. "

"That was a mistake, you took it the wrong way ".

" Don't worry I don't have any regrets, now let's get on with the statement".

   I took her statement, assured her that the thief would be punished accordingly and that she could leave, immediately!

"What about the cameras". She asked trying to stall.

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