Chapter 10- Uncovered

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            Sally walked majestically into the huge building of her office, various staff and workers bowed respectfully as she made her entrance. A slightly plump young lady came running towards the elevator Sally just entered. She made it just in time before the elevator closed.

" How many times have I told you to stop running." Sally inquired.

Payton still breathing heavily managed to squeeze out some words." I'm...huff...... Sorry ......huff ma'am my report is very important and shouldn't be delayed."

Just then the elevator opened and they both walked into Sally's office.

" Speak, what is so important that you have to tell me".Sally said while resting her back on the soft chair behind her desk while her secretary remained standing.

"It is about Mr. Ramon".

Sally stiffened as she heard her husband's name, anything concerning Cisco was very important to her as long as it was related to her companies.

" He arranged a meeting with the board members of  RAD. Corp , I  overheard him talking about it with the Chairman a few weeks ago."

Sally furrowed her brows ." And you didn't bother to tell me since then?".

"It completely slipped my mind plus you were absent from work for a few days."

Sally sighed." So when is this meeting?".

"Umm... I don't know ,I couldn't find out about it . It seems like Mr . Ramon is planning to keep it a secret from you."

"It's okay and thanks a lot . Also keep your eyes and ears open whenever he comes here ,do not let anything slip under your nose and do your best not to appear suspicious." Sally warned.

Payton bowed her head again." yes ma'am".

"Bring me today's work and the files I Haven't gone through yet".

"Yes ma'am". the plump lady said before hurrying out of the office."

Sally stared at the closed door for a moment or two. Only God knew what Cisco was holding a meeting for and the worst part of it was that she was not informed. As far as she knew all the sales where stable and the company was in good shape so there should be no need for a meeting for the next three or four weeks. There were no complains or problems from other branches of her company so why did Cisco call for a meeting.Well, there were times where meeting were  held to discuss further growth of the company but as the CEO and owner ,her presence was very compulsory and without her the meeting won't hold even if Cisco ,her husband, was there to represent her.Cisco holding a meeting behind her back and even without her secretary's knowledge was already suspicious.And to think that the board members went behind her back was really unexpected.
     She had to find out when and where this meeting would hold because with the looks of things they would probably hold the meeting outside the company and without her.

   She picked up her phone and dialled Christopher's number, he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey Sally,I was going to call soon". He said from the other end.

"You've got anything yet ?" Sally asked.

"Umm......there might be a problem ".

Sally stiffened a little,she knew she would not like whatever he was going to say.

" I checked all the employees record in every government hospital in Edo State but there was no name like Gary harwood ". Christopher continued.

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