Chapter 18 - Too wild

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                We finally drove home after many hours of spending time with my husband .  It wasn't what I had anticipated,to be honest I really had a good time but I didn't let myself get carried away by the extremely romantic atmosphere back at the restaurant.

         I watched Cisco closely and made sure even his tiniest movement didn't escaped my notice. He's action seemed quite natural though,I didn't see anything suspicious . It felt like he was actually genuine,no arriere pensee .
       I still didn't let my guard down even after concluding that this might just be a normal date like every other married couple do, I just wished he would stop his greedy quest and come back to us,to me .
      He still had assess to my wealth as long as we were married but what's getting me confused is why he's still after something that's already his . Thinking about it made my head hurt,I had to shove all misunderstandings out of my mind and just enjoy the sight of food and laugh to his jokes .

        We finally decided to go home after getting gifts for our kids and of course,I wouldn't forget to get something for the second wife. I smiled widely as I looked at the little box  wrapped in a blue colored wrapper in my hand.
   I'm pretty sure she'll love my gift ! .....I mean who wouldn't?.
  I caught Cisco starring at me with amusement in his eyes,he had earlier insisted I get something else for Pamela .... something more sensible ,but the wicked little me thought this was the perfect gift for her .

" Are you really serious about giving that to her ?"  He asked chuckling.

" Of course!". I exclaimed, feigning innocence. "  It's very useful, it can be used for many things".

" You could have gotten her a bracelet,just like the one you  got for Mia ". He suggested.

" She doesn't deserve to wear something that's same as my children ".

He didn't respond immediately but stared at me with an unfathomable look on his face, he kind of seemed offended.
He sighed ."  You know ,she's still a human just like us and she also have feelings just like us ".

Okay!! I think I'm losing my cool right now, did he just take sides with her ??
I scoffed " . I also have feelings , but it obvious you don't care about mine ."  I spat angrily and walked towards the car but stopped in my tracks then I turned to look at him. " By the way,if you don't like what I got for her then you should get her something better.....she's your wife after all."

" Sally ". He sighed " I didn't mean it like that".

" Whatever !" .  Fuming, I entered the drivers seat. I wasn't supposed to be the one driving but I didn't care at the moment.
     I was about to turn on the ignition when the door opened and he placed his hands on the steering wheel.

Move over,I'll drive ".  He said still having that unfathomable look in his eyes .

" No!! "  Came my rude reply ,my voice was rather high. I shouldn't have expected him to forget all about his new wife and not show concern for her just because of a date.That got me thinking whether he had any feelings for her.
    I found it hard to believe that he loved someone else aside me and it hurts a lot knowing that there might be a chance that he might have even an iota of love towards Pamela ,and right now he just kind of defended her which only proved that there might be something going on between them.
Thinking about it made my eye sting,no!.....I could let my eyes turn watery . I would not let him see me this weak.

" Just let me drive ". He said pleadingly.

Taking a deep breath ,I tried climbing out of the car but I couldn't because he was standing right there, blocking me.

   He's one hand was placed on the wheel and the other was on the head rest of the divers seat.

" Get your hands off ! "  I said and tried pushing his hand off the steering but he wouldn't budge . He just stood there staring at me .

" I said excuse me ,you can take the wheel now!"  I said,I did not like the way he was looking at me . He was making me nervous.
Ugrhh !! What's wrong with me!! I was acting like a high school girl.

" I'm sorry ".  He finally said but still didn't move .

     I looked away and folded my hands across my chest and pouted like a child  . My  actions shocked me....I just couldn't stop myself from doing things I didn't want to .

I just thought getting someone sugar as a gift was weird and well........a snack would have been better".

" Sugar is ....a... snack!"

He Sighed . " Alright fine ,get her plenty of sugar if you want just don't get mad at me ".

" Whatever ...out of my way ". I grumbled before finally succeeding in pushing him out of the way .
     I strolled around the car and entered the front seat,I actually wanted to sit at the back to avoid close contact with this devil of a man but I thought twice about it .
     As soon as my butt touched the car seat ,a kiss landed on my left cheek . My head turned so fast to gape at him, I looked at him wide eyed with my mouth slightly open obviously begging for a little .....ehem attention.

    What can I say ! ....I have shameless lips .

" I'm really sorry ".  He said and finally gave attention to my slightly opened lips .

   My brain flew out of the window and probably into in trash can nearby ,never to be seen again.
    I moaned against his lips and grabbed his hair , pulling him closer. I wanted more...more !
   I was about to climb onto him and straddle him when he suddenly pulled away . I stared at him with questioning eyes, I could frantically hear myself screaming in frustration inside .

       How could he leave me hanging!! This son of a bachelor.....I would surely get back at him ,I would torture him till he melts .

" We should head home now,my bed is more comfortable " .  He said and smirked wickedly.

   I could feel blood rush to my cheeks and my thoughts ran wild,too wild to be tamed.

   Ohh my !... That bed would surely be comfy.

     He started the car and drove out of the parking lot and towards home ,to his bed precisely.


No authors note today,see you in the next chapter!

Thanks so much for reading, and for the support (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Love y'all ❤️

~ Vinnianca.

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