Chapter 30 - Taking Levi home

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       I  opened my eyes sluggishly,my head was heavy,My whole body was heavy.I felt like I was stuffed with wet sand and my thighs were hurting. I tried to get up but I didn't have the strength to and so I just lay back and tired to remember why I was sleeping in my private room.
I tired searching for my phone but couldn't find it, Maybe I left it on my desk.
The only thing I could remembered was coming to work, entering my office and Payton handing me today's work.

I sighed,I must have slept off out of tiredness .

I stayed in bed for another 20 minutes before finally leaving the room. I still felt heavily fatigued ,but I had to force myself to get up or else I would spend the whole day there.

    I called for Payton after dragging myself to my desk,she came in a few minutes later.

    "Did I sleep for that long ? " I asked.

There was no response .

I raised my head to look at her. She was sweaty and refusing to make eye contact.

" Payton,is everything okay ?". I asked worried.

She finally raised her head but still didn't look at me." Yes I'm fine."

"You don't look too well, maybe you should take some days off ".

"No ,there's no need for that ". She said still staring at her fingers. Her behaviour was odd .

I sighed. " You don't need to worry about work ,I'll have someone help me out when you're gone. Take two weeks off".

" There's no need for a leave , I don't have anything to do besides work".

"Then would you explain why you're sweaty and refusing to look at me".

She finally raised her head and looked at me,I could see tears threatening to fall from her eyes. I got up from my seat and reached for her.
  " Payton! What's the problem ? You don't look alright". I hugged her and she sobbed.

She hugged me back and buried her head on my shoulder." My sister....she's ...she's..."

I patted her head,I was worried. Payton was like a sister to me and seeing her cry made my heart swell." What happened?" I asked.

She sniffed and pulled away . This time she looked at me,her eyes were watery and red from sobbing. " She's.... she's sick and she's living all alone ,there's no one to take care of her".

I knew something was bothering her . " Take as much time as you need ,don't worry about work . Your sister needs you more".

" But ..but .. what about..."

I took out my napkin and helped her wipe her wet face. " Shhh....I understand, come back anytime you want".

She looked at me gratefully. " I'm sorry ,I'm really sorry ".

" You should be thanking me not apologizing".

" Thank you and I'm sorry ". She said .

I hugged her again. " it's okay. Come on,you should get going ".

       She nodded and left still sobbing. I went back to my desk and started working.
          It wasn't too long before I forgot that Payton already left,my mind was occupied with so many other things. I kept thinking about how I would meet with that old woman . I had a lot of questions and I needed her to help me out with my plan.
      I wanted that child to live with us ,just for the time being . I also wanted to see Cisco's reaction ,that way I would be able to decipher if that child was his or not . And if he was going to bring Pamela back to our home,he could be of help to me.

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