Chapter 49- Perfect

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       Dad's funeral went well. There were a lot of people and it was even broadcast on the news . I never expected to see that much people,that only proved how popular my dad was.

  I received hundreds of messages and letters ,some from people I didn't even know . In all, it was comforting and I really appreciated their effort.

   My dad left a will , he gave each of the girls separate businesses. And they were to take over when they turned eighteen.

   As his only child and heir ,I took over the remaining corporation. Cisco became president and I ,the president's wife and owner of our group.

     I stood at the balcony watching Cisco and our girls play under the cherry tree. Winter was drawing near so the ground was partially covered in snow  .

         Cisco said that in a few  days from now it would be too freezing to go outside and so they wanted to enjoy the time they had left . I was glad because ever since my dad died, he had managed to make us smile.
  Nora and Mia were running from him on a bicycle while iris sat under the tree taking pictures of them with a Polaroid camera .

  She was doing fine but the doctor said she should avoid anything stressful and so she was not allowed to run around.

    Levi had left two days ago. He went to visit his father and grandmother and he would be back soon.

   He was now part of the family and he could stay with us whenever he wanted.

  He had stayed with iris all day in the hospital. He sat close to her bed and would hold her hand till she woke up .

  It was really cute seeing them like that . He had grown closer to the girls and now they were like siblings although sometimes he always put on his poker face but the girls could read through it .

   Cisco looked up and signalled for me to come down . I smiled and rushed downstairs.  I was only going to stand and watch, nothing more.

     I did not want to join them because I just spent half an hour taking a bath and I was not going to let the time I spent go to waste .

"Come on !" He said laughing but I shook my head .

"I just had a bath and it's freezing". I said , wrapping my fur coat tightly around me .

Mia rolled her eyes ."come on're wearing a fur coat ".

"That doesn't mean it isn't cold .....we can play inside to avoid catching a cold ". I said hoping they'll listen to me .

Cisco started forming a snow ball while Mia joined him. I did not like the look on their faces .

"I hope y'all not planning to do what I'm thinking ". I asked taking a step back .

"Do what?" Cisco smirked.

I took another step back . I wanted to turn immediately and disappear into the house but I was too late because the next second a snowball hit me right in the face.

   They all burst out laughing. I heard the sound of the camera which indicated that I was just snapped. " I'm going to turn this into a portrait."
Iris laughed.

Trying to hid the smile that formed on my face ,I bent down and scooped a hand full of snow .
     I threw it straight at Cisco but he dodged it. "ha! missed ?" He mocked.

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