Chapter 37- Hard choice

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         It has been two days now. I continued to pretend not to know anything about Levi and as for Pamela, she was like a Shadow. I hardly ever saw her, it was either she was in her room or out doing god knows what!. I knew she was avoiding any situation that would lead to her secret getting out. She didn't want Cisco to know and they had been avoiding each other since. I noticed there was something heated going on between them.
       As for Cisco, he left the house before dawn and came back late.

           I was in my office that morning trying to get used to working without Payton. She should be back by today or tomorrow and my children would be resuming classes next week. Levi was resuming with them, Mrs Harper had told me that he wouldn't be able to cope in school but I didn't think so. If anything, he would do perfectly well, especially with Iris in the same grade and classroom as him.
    Everything should work out fine.

   I heard a knock on my door a few seconds later.

"Come in," I said without looking up to see who opened the door.

" Do you need any help?" I heard the person say.
  My head shot up as I recognized the voice.
I gasped and got up from my chair.

" Payton!!". I hugged her,  I missed her so much. Work has been hectic since she left.
"How have you been and how is your sister?"

She smiled at me but the smile didn't reach her ears. Something was wrong, I could feel it.

" I need to tell you something". She said.

I mentioned for her to sit down while I returned to my chair.

" Is it about your sister  Is she okay?" I was sincerely worried about her.

She shook her head. " It's about Mr Ramon".

I felt the earth stop moving. Nothing good ever comes out of this, anything concerning him always brought bad news. I felt my chest tighten, whatever she was going to say was going to ruin today.

I swallowed. " what about him?"

She looked around first and she started trembling slightly. " I'm ...I'm..sorry, I'm so sorry".

Something had happened, something bad. " Would you mind telling me what you are sorry about ?" I asked hoping that it wasn't what I was thinking.

She composed herself and started talking. " It's about your husband but first Pamela is here to see you?".

I wasn't expecting this. "Pamela?? my husband's second wife? ". I was shocked beyond words .

" Yes, I  saw her in the hallway on my way here. She was speaking to that lady you had replace me, she's in the waiting room."

"What's so urgent that she couldn't tell me at home and since when did we have something to talk about?" I didn't want to see her. She got some nerves coming to my office for a talk.

Payton drew closer to me. " I think you should know this first.  My sister wasn't sick,  Mr Ramon abducted her and said if I didn't do want he wants me to then he would harm her. "  She started crying. " I took her out of the country after He released her, He told me to leave too but I couldn't. "

I was already trembling. It was happening all over again, I thought I was a step ahead of him but it looks like I'm a million steps behind.

" He asked me to put a pill in your coffee, I   didn't know what kind of pill it was but I did it. I couldn't bear to see my sister get beaten. "  She was whimpering.

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