Chapter 35 - Interesting game

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I had been Looking for even the tiniest opportunity to see Mr double H. How was I supposed to have fun with him if we didn't send each other as much as a text?. It had been days since the court case was closed and Sally told me just a while ago that Pamela was back. I seriously still didn't understand why Sally had to put up with this. She could just divorce him and let him have the businesses he stole ,for god's sake she was super rich . The wealth she possessed was enough to feed her whole generation and more to come so Cisco taking RAD corp was like removing a pin from a hay sack .One would think she was even richer than the president himself

I know I should be there for her right now but I just couldn't lose a good catch.
My main focus right now was how to get a hold of Mr double H,he hadn't even sent as much as a text and I wasn't going to be the first to send one...For god's sake I had pride!

I scoffed,stared at my phone for a while . My fingers itching to type something but I didn't want to look desperate.

"Argh!!.." I screamed . " To hell with being desperate,it's now or never".

And so I gathered courage and marched to the precinct.

I didn't have a car. I know it sounds absurd but I figured driving can be stressful and it needs concentration which I can't do plus I was trying to lose some weight so I walked to my destination sometimes.

I took a taxi ,I had to wait almost 30 minutes to flag down a cab . Did I mention having a car could be stressful ?
You know what ?...scratch that, maybe I should get a car.

Here I was ,a few blocks away from the precinct. All the courage I had mustered before living home suddenly vanished into thin air. It was getting late and the weather was nice.
I do look like a desperate girlfriend ,don't I ?

Take a deep breath ,I closed my eyes and started walking towards the huge building.
I opened my eyes just in time to see a guy with a mask on and on a bicycle heading right towards me . I immediately gave way for him to ride along but before he could pass me ,he grabbed my purse which I was lightly holding unto.
Realization dawned on me as I understood his motive but before I could react,my purse was gone.

Oh ..he just messed with the wrong person . If that petty thief thought I was one of those girls who would just sit and whine till their knight in shining armour came to save them the he got another thing coming .
Quickly I switched into my ranger mode and ran after him,it wasn't too long before I caught up with him. I dragged his shirt from behind and the guy lost balance and fell of his bicycle.

Like seriously who uses a bicycle to steal ?

I picked him up by his hair and grabbed my purse from him.

" Owww!!... What the hell ? Let me go! ".

I hit his head with my purse and slapped him across the face . " You scumbag, you dared try to steal from me ..huh?"

I plunged my foot into his stomach and in his groin . I watched as he writhed in pain.
" You will pay for this ,you're lucky there's a precinct nearby but first I'll punish you myself.".

I punched him in the face twice and he fell to the ground. Some people stopped to watch a plump lady beating up a lanky guy.
I sighed,why can't people just mind their business.

"Oww!!.. stop ,I'm sorry . Please I don't want to go to jail". He cried.

I grabbed his hair and pulled him up again. " You should have thought about that before trying to steal from me , now stand properly and walk."

He stood with his legs shaking and started walking. At this rate it would take us forever to get to the precinct and so I jabbed his knees . "Move faster!".

He started half running, and soon we were right outside the precinct.
Come to think of it,I didn't know something like this would happen and now I had the perfect excuse to be here.

I walked in graceful while pulling the guy by his head behind me and trying to hide my smirk.
The counter wasn't crowded ,maybe there wasn't much crime today or maybe the earth was on my side . I had actually wanted the place to be less filled with people ,that way I wouldn't have to pretend or act like a civilized citizen.
I looked around, two men where at the door post in their uniforms and quickly got a hold of the guy as soon as I walked in.

" What happened?" One of them asked.

"He tried to steal from me but he wasn't smart enough". I said while searching the place for my target and I caught him. A small smile appeared on my face.

He swallowed as soon as he saw me. He was sitting behind the counter along with another guy who seemed busy scribbling away on a notebook.

" So sorry for what happened,I assure you that we will deal with this ". I wasn't paying attention ,my focus was on the blonde guy with blue eyes who seemed to look uncomfortable with me staring at him.

" Can I ask Who did this to him ?". The policeman asked referring to his bruised face .

" was her, she harassed me ". The bruised guy shouted while pointing at me.

I scoffed ." You tried to steal from me ! . It's called self defense".

The policeman didn't look convinced" Self defense?? When he was trying to steal from you ? "

I folded my hands on my chest . " Wait !.. you think I'm lying ?"

He sighed ." You know what,Eren will take it from here. It's getting late ,I should be leaving now ".

That brought a smile to my face and I turned to look at Eren who seemed like he had been drenched with cold water.

He got up quickly ." But sir ,I would be leaving soon. Let Dylan do it ".

" Why me ? ". The supposed Dylan protested.

I assumed the policeman was the boss or he was in higher position than all of them here.

" You should have left like an hour ago but looks like you really want that night shift so here's your chance." He said as he cuffed the thief and handed him to Eren. " Don't forget to get her statement and check the CCTV for evidence." He said ,took his bag and left.

Looks like the earth was really in my favor .

"Alright! Let's get this over with ". I batted my eyelashes innocently at him .

"Why do I have the feeling that you came here on purpose". He said refusing to look straight at me.

I moved closer to him. " What? way!.. I'm just here to report a crime. ". My smiled widened and I winked at him.

His ears turned bright red. Getting him to fall for me should be easy with the kind of effect I have on him.

His hand flew to his nape,he cleared his throat. "Umm....uhh.. follow me ".

Glady I obliged, things were going to get interesting. My smile widened as I happily followed him. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the supposed Dylan grinning at me and giving me thumbs-up.


Sorry for the late update but thanks for reading and all the support so far.
I'm excited, my book is almost 1k reads. Let's keep up the good work and get us to 1k reads!
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