Chapter 32- The Female Gender

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      I didn't like her,she was nice but I didn't like her company. Her daughters were worse,I wish I could hid my self somewhere in their house and never come out.
    If I had known it would be like this then I wouldn't have agreed to leave with her . Grandma told me that I would be able to see my mum if I lived with them but now I think I could actually be alright without seeing her. I had lived almost my whole life without my mother so I was pretty used to it.
    To be honest ,I barely recall how she looked except for the few pictures I had seen.
   I didn't need her,my grandma and my dad were enough for me so I didn't see why my grandma had to make a fuss about me wanting a mother.

   I hated socializing,I hated seeing people except for my grandma and dad. They all looked like a bunch of bees swarming after a honey hive.

    I hated school.

To me school was a prison where I had to bear the company of noisy bees that called themselves kids. This was one of the reasons why I never associated or talked in  school. And it was also why my grandma thought I had some mental issues.My teachers thought my brain capacity was too low, they thought I was super dull because I had never gotten as much as an E in any of my grades.
          I had thought that purposely failing test and exams would get me out of school but instead  ,it made my teachers think I had mental issues. It wasn't that I didn't study, I loved reading and plus my father was my personal home teacher. I studied everything I was taught in school.  I just didn't  participate in exams or class tests so I could get enough Fs and get withdrawn from school.  Fortunately, it worked , I got out of school but I also ended up getting a therapist. At least being in the company of just one person was better than being in a crowd of noisy kids.

And now here I was, in the company of the female gender. I just had to ignore them for as long as I can.
    I sat in their sitting room trying to ignore them but the girls kept starting at me  . From the corner of my eyes , I saw her walking towards me and almost rolled my eyes.
"Come with me,I'll show you to your room". She said.

I didn't say anything and just followed her.
We went upstairs and she showed me into a dusty room. She kept blabbing stuff, I wasn't paying attention and just nodded my head at intervals .
"Don't tell my mum about this okay? and I both know we can't share the same room so you'll have to sneak out at night ". She said. I had actually forgotten that we were to share a room,I knew it wouldn't work .

It's a little dusty but don't worry I'll clean it up ".

This time i only nodded.

"Are you okay with this ?"  she asked, Gosh!! She talked too much.

"Can you at least say something or do you have problems with speech ". Her voice was a little louder.

I raised my head to look at her , did she just raise her voice at me ?
"I'm fine with it ". I said indifferently .

She spoke again, but this time her voiced was lower. "After dinner,we would tidy up the room a little and I mean the both of us ".

I only nodded .

"We can go back downstairs now". She said and walked out of the room.

I followed her downstairs silently and went back to where I sat on the couch. I sat down staring at the huge TV trying to forget that I was in the presence of three troublesome children. Unexpectedly, I caught the girl starting at me. I couldn't care less what she thought of me.
     Her little sister came up to me and started poking my arm. She was so annoying, they were all annoying. I wondered how long I could endure this.
  Few minutes later, dinner was ready and we all sat around the dinning table to eat. I was eating peacefully until Mrs sally started asking me all sorts of things, I had my food to focus on so I ignored her a bit.
  We finished dinner and went back to the sitting room and few minutes later, their dad walked in and I could tell he was surprised or perhaps didn't want me in his house. 

I ignored him.

A normal child should show respect or at least say a simple greeting but I wasn't just a normal child. I watched as they quarrelled in front of me and saw how embarrassed iris was.  My dad was right, their family was messed up.

  I just sat down quietly and waited till they were done with arguing. Iris took me to the room so we could start cleaning, she didn't talk much like she should. Her expression was sour, I wasn't the type to comfort others so I just focused on cleaning .
         When we were done, she handed me a blanket and left me alone in the now sparkling room. It was settled then, seems I wouldn't have to sneak out at night. I had the room to myself. I used that chance to takes good look at the room. It was well furnished and far better than mine back home and it was super cozy.

Finally, I had some peace and quite to myself. I laid down on the bed and drifted off into sleep wondering how tomorrow would be.


Thanks for reading ❤️


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