Chapter 42 - Sweet bitter truth

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          My hands trembled as I gripped the steering wheel . My whole life was a complete mess. I couldn't help but feel worried even after Zen sent 3 bodyguards last night to watch over my girls .
        Last night I had received another photo ....this time it was a photo of Mia . There was no note ,no recording just a photo of my daughter sleeping peacefully in her bedroom. I had rushed to her room in the middle of the night to check up on her ....she wasn't hurt but she had the same night dress as the one in the photo and she was sleeping in the same position as the one in the photo.
         I couldn't sleep throughout the night ,I thought we had removed all the cameras ? So how come I was still receiving photos of my children?.
    I quietly scanned the room using the photo as guide....from the angle at wish it was taken,the camera must have been placed either on the window or close to the window frame . I searched and searched but couldn't find anything .

" Mummy ? What are you doing here?" I heard Mia whisper softly. I must have woken her up .

I gave her a sweet smile and went to sit beside her. " Oh..nothing,just checking up on you ". I said trying to make my voice appear less strained."Go back to sleep now ...I'll leave right away".

  " Can you pass me Sofie , please?" She said referring to the teddy bear decorated with bows and too much glitter  lying on her reading table beside her window.

I got up and gave it to her ." Here you go ,now go back to sleep " . I patted her head and gave her a kiss.

" Good night". She whispered cuddling the bear.

"Good night my angel ".

     I left her room to check up on iris ,Nora and levi .

They were sleeping peacefully .

From time to time,I would stalk to their rooms to check up on them and that was how I stayed up all night and right now ,I was on my way to see their father.

     I glanced at my phone ,it was weird . I had sent Zen the photo ,texted him and even called him a dozen times but the call didn't go through. Was he that busy at the station ? But then I had hired him privately so nothing else should take his time right ?

     Sighing,I got out of the car after finding a suitable parking lot to park my car.
    I had three things to do today. First ,I would have a serious talk with my husband. Second ,go to the office and lastly met up with my mom's attorney.

     Zen was the one making me do this after telling him a story about my married life  ,he said it was the only way to draw Pamela out and now I felt a little embarrassed about letting a third party into my marriage. After hearing his plan last night I was so against it ,I knew it would work but I just wasn't ready .

        Marching gracefully into the station ,I was met with an officer. I told him why I was here and he led me to a secluded room with only two doors on either side of the room. It was quite dark  with only one light bulb hanging from the ceiling and the walls were padded . There were cameras on every inch of the room. There were only two chairs and a table made of steel in the room. That was basically the only thing in the room... a typical place to speak to a murderer face to face or so the officer told me.
      He had suggested I talked with him through a glass wall saying he was dangerous but I had refused. I wanted to defend him but thought better of it ,he would get justice once this was over . To all the policemen here,any inmate who committed murder was dangerous and were kept separately from other criminals. Any normal visitor wouldn't have been granted the privilege of speaking with a dangerous criminal in an open room but I wasn't just any visitor ..I was his wife  and I would use my status and power to my advantage.  I didn't want to talk to him with a glass wall separating us ,I wanted physical contact.

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