Chapter 45 - A glimmer of hope

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My eyes flickered open . The first thing I noticed was Liz staring daggers at me . Then everything came rushing into my head, Zen's bleeding nose and bloody clothes.
Instantly I panicked and got up from the bed .

I looked around. Liz and I were the only ones in the room." Zen!....where is he ?".

Liz folded her hands against her chest and gave me a weird look. I knew that look ,it was the look that demanded explanation. I wasn't ready to tell her anything,even more I didn't want to tell her because the last time I tried explaining myself,she didn't believe me.

"Your friend is in the guest room, and don't worry ....your doctor took care of him". She said grudgingly.

I sighed in utter relief. Thank God he didn't die!
"I need to go see him". I said and tried climbing out of the bed only to be pushed back down by Liz.

"Uh...huh,you are not leaving this damn room untill you start explaining yourself ."She demanded.

I scoffed."Well,I tried explaining myself before but you were not willing to listen ". I retorted.

She sighed and lowered her voice. "Well I am now !"

I rolled my eyes and adjusted myself on the bed.
And then I told her everything,every single thing that had happened from how I was getting photos of my children to how I found cameras in my home. How I found evidence against Pamela and how Cisco was innocent.
She stared at me dumbfounded,trying to take in the whole story."So what's your plan now ,what if the moment you step out of this house you get knocked down my a sniper or what if one of the kids gets kidnapped or mayb....."

"Liz!!" I grabbed her hands to assure her. "nothing like that is ever going to happen". Liz had a habit of overreacting and I was also trying to reassure myself.

She sighed in frustration and her eyes started getting teary ."I'm so sorry Sally!...I should have listened to you ".

I hugged her tightly. " I should smack you for that ".

She laughed and sniffed. " Does Nanny Ellie or Mrs Harper know ?"

I shook my head. " And they won't find out ". I didn't want to put anyone in danger . The less anyone knew the better.

"My lips are sealed". Liz pretended to zip her mouth and then threw the key away.

I smiled at her,i did feel bad about keeping nanny Ellie in the dark. But I didn't want to get her involved and worse ,I didn't want her to worry.

"By the way, I think you should go see ya inspector". Liz rolled her eyes. "If he were strong enough,he would have come here himself".

Quickly,I jumped from the bed and ran out of the room. Liz led me to the room where he was kept.
He looked fine except for the numerous bandaid around his abdomen. He tried sitting up as soon as he saw me.

He groaned ."Mrs Ramon.."

I helped him sit up."careful ". I said.

"I'm sorry ." He said.

"Why are you apologizing". I asked .

He didn't respond but instead looked in the direction of Liz and then back at me. I understood his stare and waved at him."It's okay ,she knows ".

"I was ambushed and kidnapped the day I left your house ". He started.

I knew something was wrong. It was so unusual for him not to reply my messages.

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