Chapter 43- Bloody present

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         The last person I had expected to come see me was her. I killed her mum after all so I get that she hated me .
I never thought I would regret it this much ....but I already caused her so much pain. And my kids,I missed them. I wasn't a good father or husband and it was all because I couldn't let go.
I was ashamed when I walked into the visiting room in chains to meet her. I had to struggle to look into her eyes but instead of anger and hatred,I saw something else in them.
I had actually secretly hoped I got a chance to talk to her before my fate was decided. I knew it was either execution or life imprisonment with hard labour. But I just wanted to lift this heavy load off my chest. She deserved to know at least.

So when she asked me for the truth ,I told her and just hoped she forgave me. But then she said something shocking about having evidence about Pamela. So all these while I had condemned myself for killing my wife's mother not knowing I was innocent.
The truth was that Pamela had held the issue of Freya's death over my head and used it as an advantage whenever she got a chance. I thought it was my fault she died because I had initially planned to stop whatever was in that drip from flowing because it was the only thing keeping her alive but when I got there, it was barely even moving . And when I touched it ,it completely stopped.
Now , I hated Pamela . I never did really like her,we had a history but that was all in the past. The only thing keeping us together was Freya's death.

I finally told her all that happened . And now she was requesting to know more . To know what her mother did to me and my family. Recalling it was as painful as saying it.
We didn't have enough time ,soon the police would come and take me back to my cell.

I tried reaching for her hands but this damn cuffs wouldn't let me . " We don't have enough time...20mins wouldn't be enough to tell you half of it ".

I saw the desperation in her eyes,the desperation to make things right and this was what I loved about her. She always wanted to set things straight even when she wasn't the one at fault.

"Just at least tell me what I did ". She cried.

I smiled in sadness. If only she knew that it was all her mother's doing and i took it out on her .

Finally our hands touched and I made sure to not let go." None of it is your fault. It was all me ,it's my fault we drifted apart fault we had a failed marriage and if I get another chance I'll make things right".

She reached for my face. " You will get another chance once your out of here ...and you'll get special punishment from me ". She smirked .

Her smile was all I needed. I was a fool to think that I could leave her . I regretted every single thing I did and didn't do . And now she was giving me a chance I didn't deserve.

I smiled back at her and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. The soft feel of her lips made me crave for more . My eyes never left her as she withdrew into her seat.
" You're been greedy ". She said smiling.

I scoffed. " You gave me a kiss on the cheek ...that's more than enough to make me greedy ".

The next second she shifted her chair closer to mine and was on me . I was expecting a proper kiss this time but she only kissed my forehead .

I rolled my eyes. " Seriously?..all that for a peck on the head ?".

She gave me a look that said 'what were you expecting ?'. And then she laughed. I suddenly wished this handcuffs would disappear...she had ignited a fire within me and I knew this place wasn't appropriate but if I didn't quench this fire then I would burn alone in my cell .

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