Chapter 40 - Dug up the Gold digger

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"Are you going to explain to us what the hell you're looking for ?" Liz questioned, she was getting impatient.

   I turned to face her."Apparently, Pamela has disappeared and so did Cisco's credit card and banknotes".

Liz's eyes widened and so did nanny Ellie's. " So why does this bother you? , Isn't that what you ever wanted?"

I rolled my eyes, I didn't think Liz understood what I meant. "Of course I wanted her to disappear from my life but not after causing such a huge mess ".

Nanny Ellie went to the bed and sat down, Liz followed and did the same.

  "And how exactly did she cause a mess, she helped you out by revealing Cisco's plans ". Nanny Ellie said.

Liz added. " Yeah, she's right . Didn't she give you evidence that Cisco was involved in your mother's death?  If she hadn't exposed him then we'll  probably be clueless till now ".

I couldn't blame them, they were only looking at the surface just like how Pamela wanted us to see it.

I sighed." Haven't you wondered where she found the evidence? ".

" Well.... um...does that even matter?" Liz said.

"Of course it does! Pamela doesn't know anything about my mum, well except Cisco told her a few things but that's not the case here. "

Nanny Ellie got up and walked up to me. She put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. " I understand that you are frustrated and devastated that Cisco turned out to be a murderer but that doesn't mean you should try to prove his innocence just to clear your conscience ".

I slapped her hands off my shoulders." My husband is not a murderer!! " I screamed, I didn't get why they couldn't see things from my perspective. The whole situation was suspicious enough.

Liz folded her arms across her chest. " Seriously Sally?

" Haven't you wondered how she got her hands on footage from a first-class hospital with tight security and why she suddenly disappeared with Cisco's credit card after revealing the footage? Doesn't that look suspicious to you? " I had to catch my breath after that long speech.

Liz shook her head. " You know what I think? " She moved closer to me and directed me towards the bed. " A nice nap would make you relax and think straight ".

"Let go of me !! ."   I flared.

  Liz flinched, even nanny Ellie took a step back and I suddenly regretted raising my voice.
       I took a deep breath to calm myself before speaking. " Why can't you understand?"

"Sally!" Liz spoke, the tone of her voice changing. " Have you forgotten how your so-called husband treated you ? And of course, Pamela was a bitch and she had caused a lot of problems. She had schemed with your husband but she admitted it and even gave you evidence of a very serious crime that your husband committed......."

"Liz... you're getting it wrong" I tried interjecting.

"No..let me finish. For starters, that video clearly shows Cisco committing murder and it wasn't fabricated. Whatever happens from now on doesn't involve her, so you should leave her out of your life and focus on your family ".

Nanny Ellie butted in. "She's right Sally, it's time for a new start. "

I laughed...I did. " Just give me a week and I'll prove to you that Pamela is more than what you paint her to be ". And I walked out and heard straight into my room.

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