Chapter 12 - Temptation

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               On getting to the parking lot,she entered her car and bid Liz goodbye before starting the car. As she drove through the highway she kept thinking about all that had happened, she was very exhausted. Today was a really hectic day for her,she wondered whether she could act normal in front of Cisco, Seeing him alone was enough to infuriate her.
Few minutes into driving her phone rang loudly in the car. She picked up her phone and looked at the callers ID - it was Cisco.
She sighed and calmed her raging nerves before answering the call .

"Hello" . Sally said flatly.

"Umm... hey Sally,I wanted to let you know that I already picked up the kids ,I'm actually about to leave the school right now so there's no need for you to pick them up". Cisco replied from the other end.

" Ohh....okay ". Sally said still moody as she quickly turned the car around and headed home.
There was a brief pause as neither of them knew what to say .

Cisco cleared his throat before speaking ." Are you already heading home?" He asked.


"Alright I'll meet you at home , have a safe ride ".

"Yeah, you too ". Sally finally ended the call before fixing her eyes on the road.

*************** ************"

"Was that mum ?" Nora asked as she placed her school bag in the trunk of the car.

"Yes, she's already heading home right now". Cisco replied.

They all entered the car and drove home,they talked and laughed about various things on their way home . They all looked happy , Iris was the happiest. She wished her family could remain happy forever,free from problems and her mum and dad would not fight ever again and lastly she wished for Pamela to disappear from their lives. She just prayed that somehow a miracle should happen, a very beautiful car should just hit her wherever she is right now. That would be a lovely news to hear .

Even Cisco missed this kind of blissful moment,he was actually enjoying it and then the smile on his face faded as he thought about something but he quickly replaced it with a wide smile on his face. He looked even more handsome with the dimples on both cheeks . They continued talking and even sang together on till Cisco suddenly had a brilliant idea.

" Hey kids, why don't we all go out tomorrow since you are done with your exams ?"

"That would be great" . Mia said excitedly.

" But mum said we were going to get decorations as soon as we're done with our exams". Iris butted in.

"Yeah, that's true . I already forgot." Mia said

"Decorations??.. what are you guys decorating". He asked.

The girls looked at each other without speaking,no one was willing to tell him that they were actually going to rearrange their mothers room because they were still feeling insecure staying in their own rooms because of him. Cisco seemed to already know the reason but he still wanted to hear it directly from them just to be sure.

" Mum said we shouldn't sleep in our rooms ever again because you might try to hurt us again so we are going to rearrange the room to our liking " . Nora blurted out bluntly. She was completely oblivious to the impact her words had on him. Iris and Mia stared at her with wide eyes,they only hoped their father didn't take offence with what she said.

Cisco went completely quite ,he did not know what to say. It was his fault anyway...his children were already scared of him and it was completely his fault. The once cheerful and blissful atmosphere turned completely cold,Cisco could not think of anything to break the cold silence that was building up . He was starting to feel guilty for venting the anger he had towards Sally on his innocent children. They drove in silence till they finally got home and they all went to their separate rooms.

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