Chapter 23 - Meet the blondie

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I grabbed my car keys and headed towards the parking lot . I had to give my statement at the precinct,and I was going alone.
According to Cisco ,I got her arrested so I should go alone .
Last night ,he didn't give me an answer. I waited and waited and we stared at each other for like forever!

Cisco told me to my face that he was married to the both of us and he didn't Intend on divorcing any of us and so he wasn't going to choose .
It was then I realized that maybe it was hard for him to choose ,that maybe he wanted me but could not let her go . But I already vowed not to share him so I wasn't going to agree with him on that. I would just wait till Pamela's case was settled then have a proper talk with him.

It was actually strange that he looked kind of frustrated or rather angry. After I left him in the garden he stayed there for a way longer than expected.
I even got worried and went down to check on him. He was there , squatting on the cold grass with his hands clutching his hair tightly. I wanted to reach out to him but stopped myself ,he could deal with his emotions. I guessed what I said must have gone home to him. And I had a feeling that he was going to get involved in Pamela's case and he would do it behind my back.

I drove through the highway speedily,as usual, Liz already got the hang of the story. We had our own way of communicating and she was going to meet me at the precinct. Although I told her it wasn't necessary but she still insisted on going with me .

Roughly fifty minutes later I arrived at the precinct and entered the building.
I met a man at the counter and he immediately directed me to an office where I would meet the officer incharge of the case.
A table was already prepared with a can of water at each seat.
Pamela was brought before me on chains ;handcuffs to be precise. I could tell she quite enjoyed her night here with the way her dress and hair were messy and dusty.
She hissed at me as the policemen brought her to sit at my side . Seeing as two man dragged her in here ,I figured she might have given them a hard time.

" I do not wish to talk to this woman, bring me my lawyer !" She hissed again. Unfortunately no one answered her.

I gave her the sweetest smile I could muster ; although my smile had hidden meanings . " You'll get your lawyer ...but that wont be of any help to you ."

The only thing I could hear from her were grunts and curses . She couldn't probably say much ,as anything she said might and would be used against her .

After a few minutes ,a tall slim man entered along with a plump lady. And the men that brought Pamela in left.

It was Liz.

The man was blonde with blue eyes . I actually thought he dyed his hair because it looked So unreal.
Normally blonde looked like yellow,a very intense or bright yellow but his was somewhat whitish yellow and he had fair skin. The only thing missing were butt and busts and then he would be transformed into a woman .
He was handsome though, very cute; infact pretty should be the word.

Liz was holding onto his coat so tightly and mumbling some words probably curses. She texted me not too long ago when she arrived that a blondie had refused to let her into his office saying that they only take one person at a time.
And now I'm guessing Liz had bullied the poor guy into letting her Into the office...the bullying was not the usual type that happened in high schools.
With the way his face was red ,it was possible that Liz must have flirted with him or threatened to beat him up and he seemed like a pretty shy guy .

He struggled with Liz pulling behind him and finally sat down on a chair opposite me . The table was square,Liz and the officer sat opposite me while Pamela sat adjacent to us.

The young man cleared his throat before speaking . " Umm....I uhh..I guess I should introduce myself first ". I almost laughed with the way he was fidgeting . Gosh ! He was so shy and Liz was the one making him feel that way . She was staring daggers at him. " I'm Eren Scott ". He extended his hand for a handshake.

" You said your name was Henry Harlord aka double H " . Liz spoke accusingly

The young man or rather Eren almost choked . " Ahem ....Miss Elizabeth , I only said that because you kept insisting".

" Alright Mr double H let's get down to business ". Liz patted his shoulders . Eren coughed again and shifted uncomfortably further away from Liz . But being the trouble marker she was ,she shifted closer to him . So very close that their shoulders were touching.
Eren was so embarrassed,his ears was bright red and I wondered if he would still be able to handle the case before him.

"Soo....." . I spoke this time ,it was high time we settled the matter at hand . " I suppose you're already aware of the situation right now ?".

" Uhh...yes " . He said and brought out a form I didn't know he had . " Here, write out your statement in details and you are also going to tell me exactly what happened".

I took the sheet of paper from him and brought out my pen .
I wrote down as much as I could remember and off course added a little spice . And then we started our little discussion.
We ranted , quarrelled,shouted and fought . I actually slapped Pamela because she was still trying to justify her actions even when she was clearly wrong and apparently Eren wasn't able to control three raging women. Most of that was because Liz kept holding him back .
She even pushed him against the wall, grabbing him by the collars when he tried restraining me from planting another slap on pamela . The poor man was blushing hard as he stared down at her chest that was pressed against him. He looked at me with pleading eyes but I couldn't help ,I had to focus on the reason I came here. I would question Liz later about her eerie attitude towards this man .
Other policemen had to intervene and they dragged Pamela back to her cell.

The case would be finally settled in court and I was sure Pamela would spend at least two years in prison and she might also be granted bail ,that is if there's anyone to bail her out.
I went into the parking lot to wait for Liz as she said she had some important business to handle before we left. I knew that her business involved a certain ' Mr double H '.
I waited and waited and waited and waited and I could no longer take it so I went back into the building and meet them in the same office where we had our little fight .
And you wouldn't believe what I saw them doing !


Well ..well.. well .. What do we have here ?
Looks like Liz have gotten herself a new comrade .What do you think of our shy boy ? Leave your comments below .

Love y'all ❤️


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