Chapter 38 - Her confession

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     Pamela sat across me staring at her fingers. I had made her wait for almost an hour before allowing her to see me. I wasn't interested in what she had to say because all that ever came out of her mouth were lies.
        I didn't trust her one bit after she lied to me when she first came and whatever she was going to say now was going to go through my left ear and come out of the right.

  I straightened my back. " You can talk now ". I said.

She took a deep breath and started talking. " I'm guessing you are already aware that Cisco already has his hands on Tearang group?"

" Yes, I'm aware and no, he doesn't have his hand on Tearang group ".

" You should stop him before he takes over completely ". She said.

I scoffed, was she trying to annoy me? " I just said that he doesn't have his hands on Tearang group, I have everything under control!"

She retorted. " I know, I just wanted to make sure ".

" If you don't have anything meaningful to say then get out ". This conversation was going nowhere.

She looked at me, I was shocked by the expression on her face. She looked like she was about to cry. " I came to make a confession."

I eyed her. " A confession ?"

" Yes, I know that I'm not a good person and I ruined your family. And I promise to leave you alone after this ".

I burst out laughing, this was absurd. "Wow!.. please don't make me laugh."

"I'm serious, I plan on letting Cisco go . He belongs to you and I've realized that".

This was epic. The almighty Pamela!... giving up a fight and to me of all people.
" Why now ?". I asked.

She looked me straight in the eye. " Because he betrayed me."

I raised an eyebrow.

" We had been together before you got married to him and our initial plan was to dupe you and steal some of your possession. He never intended on having children with you but it already happened."

I scoffed. " That was ten years ago !".

" I know, that's the problem. He had been stalling for no reason, I got tired of waiting for him to take action so I forced him to take me as his second wife. " She said.

The story was pretty interesting. I didn't know whether to believe her or not. Maybe I should hear it all first before deciding whether to believe it or not. " I don't understand, why does he want to dupe and take my money?"

She sighed." I don't know the whole story but it was something that happened a long time ago, he kept blabbing about how you ruined his life and all that. I think it's best if he explains that part himself".

I had know Francisco for more than 10 years, We attended the same high school. We were high school sweethearts, we started dating when we were in 12 grade for about 2 years and then broke up. He broke up with me for no reason, he didn't call, no text, he just dumped me. Years later, we met again and he apologized. We started dating again and then got married, I didn't see how that connects to all this.

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