Chapter 26- New resolve

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             In the middle of the night,in a certain apartment,a certain man with whitish   blonde hair laid awake on his bed staring at his phone. He had been contemplating what to write to a plump lady who had forcefully made them exchange phone numbers. He had told himself that he would ignore her text , after all, they might never see each other again. But here he was ,staring at her profile picture and thinking about what he should say in his text. She had texted him saying 'yo..wassup !' 
          A normal human would probably say hi or Hello ,but she was a lot more different. She was so different from other ladies he had met and now he couldn't seem to think of any other person apart from her. He had texted then deleted the text and texted again and deleted again .
           Frustrated ,he threw his phone to the other end of the bed  and screamed into his pillow . He sighed and made a resolve not to touch his phone and force himself to sleep.  He covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes hoping that sleep would come and drown him.
           Roughly ten seconds later his phone made a beep ,he grabbed his phone and quickly sat up Forgetting the resolve he made ten seconds ago.
    His heart was racing as he opened his message box and finally it exploded.

It was her.

She had texted - why aren't you replying?

He didn't know what to type . His brain completely shut down ,typing was now a very difficult task. Even his hands were slightly trembling.

She texted again - or are you shy ?, Awwn... that's cute .  She then added a puppy eyed emoji.

His face reddened after reading it . He gathered the little courage he had left and started typing.

I am not shy ,I didn't see the text on time .

-  I know you're lying but I'll pretend you're not  ,that's what a shy person would do . She texted back almost immediately.

- so what if I'm shy ? Do you have a problem with that ?

- of course not,it's cute ... I like it .

He didn't know why but his heart skipped a beat . - I wanna go to bed ,can I go now ?

- No !! You can't ,not untill I say so.

He scoffed, She was very demanding . But he wouldn't let her win this time . - I'm sorry,but I have work tomorrow. Bye .

- if you go offline I would tell every single person I meet in court tomorrow  that we kissed .  She threatend.

He's eyes widened in horror. He would appear in court tomorrow because he was assigned to transport the accused to the court and would stand guard throughout the court case. If Liz told his workmates,they would tease him nonstop and if she would be there then that would only make it worse.

- we didn't do anything like that , so you can't use that against me .

- ohh ...but you almost did . And they would believe me if I said we kissed.

- I didn't do anything! You were the one who attempted to kiss me.

- because you wanted it , didn't you ? .

There was a pause ,neither of them typed next . They were both shocked at the response, he had typed it by accident. He was so frustrated that she was making him go crazy and making fun of him that he had typed without thinking. He deleted the message immediately but it was too late because she already saw it .
               His face turned bright red,he almost died of embarrassment. He  wished he could crawl under a rock and never come out .
He thought of something to type and save himself from embarrassment,what would she think of him now ? She would probably think he was a pervert or he was into her.

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