Chapter 11- His plan

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"Sally... You shouldn't panic ,it's just one small firm ". Christopher said as he heard her cough to clear her throat . He knew she had cried ,he knew how she felt. Her whole life was messed up right now .

" Just one firm ??... But he succeeded in taking it from me and I was completely oblivious ,I had no idea what was going on. He already has the upper hand" . Sally said ,her voice low.

"No Sally...he doesn't,He doesn't know that you already found out what he did and what he his going to do so just act like you really don't know and beat him at his own game".

" Your right, it's just a small firm . I will be extra careful from now on ".

" Everything is going to be fine, I'll do whatever I can to help". Christopher said encouragingly.

Sally felt her heart warm up . If Christopher hadn't helped her out she would probably never know that Cisco had taken over her company.

"Thanks a lot ....thanks for helping me."

"We are family Sally ,I can't let you go through this alone when I know I can help".

"I'll be forever grateful". Sally said.

"It's alright...just be careful. I'll call you soon."

" Yeah,I will. Bye".

After she ended the call she took a deep breath and texted Liz,She replied almost immediately. She quickly typed a brief text about her current situation and asked if she could come over to house later in the evening.
Luckily Liz was not too far from her company so she rushed to the office right away. Fifteen minutes later Liz entered her office without even knocking,she looked extremely worried like a mother trying to protect her child.

She rushed towards Sally and held her hand tightly. "Tell me it isn't true, tell me I read your text wrong".

Sally only smiled ,from her smile she could tell the answer to her question . She had expected something bad to happen following Cisco's remarriage but not to this extent.

"I still don't know how he got my signature on those documents but I think it should be before he married pam, because we rarely talked after his marriage." Sally said trying so hard to remember if she had signed any documents

" You have to be careful and keep all your important documents safely,he might try to rip you of everything you have and leave you with nothing." Liz added.

" I know .. and I know exactly what I will do."

Just then Payton knocked on the door ,they could see her through the almost transparent glass door and Sally could tell that it was Payton. She held an envelope as she entered the office,She bowed slightly to Liz and handed Sally the envelope.

"It's from Miss Rachel,it came in a while ago."

Sally was surprised,could her day not get any worse. Her assistant whom she hadn't seen for weeks suddenly sent her a letter,she wondered what was written inside. Maybe she wanted to apologize for not reporting to her before taking a leave,but isn't letter writing old school ?

Sally tore open the envelope and brought out the paper,she opened it and creased her brows. Liz noticed her expression changed immediately after she opened the letter .

" What's written in it ?" She asked.

"What the hell is this?" Sally asked no one in particular. It wasn't an apology letter ,she wasn't expecting what she saw. Rachel was resigning, the resignation letter was well written and organized . She stated that she was resigning because she got tired of working and wanted to go on a very long vacation.
Her anger boiled , even if she wanted to resign ,she should have reported or submitted the resignation letter in person and she even took a leave from work . Liz took the paper from her and read it herself because her curiosity got the better of her .
Sally dismissed her secretary and turned to face Liz ,the expression on her face was still sour .

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