Chapter 17- Hatred

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                  The old lady sighed as she watched Pamela enter her car so quickly as if she were been chased. She turned around and headed towards the bus stop to take the bus. She wondered why Pamela was so against seeing her,at least no one would suspect a thing...they couldn't just avoid each other forever .

    She had tired calling her several times but she always ended the call,she even sent text messages to her but she didn't reply any of them.The last attempt she made to see her caused a big fight between them.
       She had gone to Sally's company hoping that she would perhaps see Pamela there but it turns out that she doesn't even work there . She even brought along the little boy in hopes that it would at least soften her heart and make her change her mind and return home but it all proved futile.
   Instead of meeting Pamela ,she meet Sally and that caused a big quarrel between Pamela and her.

  She had tried so hard to stop Pamela from chasing after Cisco and his wealth,she pleaded and warned her to stop chasing shadows but she was too blinded by her greed for wealth to even listen or even consider her own family. Pamela was only making trouble ,she was bent on destroying a perfect family for her own greedy Interest. She just hoped that pamela wouldn't do something that she would regret in the near future.

      The old lady got on the bus and headed home. She stopped by the supermarket to get some groceries before finally heading home .
      Her apartment wasn't that bad,it was just the type for an average family to live in.
     It was a small but cozy apartment,the compound was neatly decorated with flowers and grasses. There were trees with pretty flowers in the small compound,the wind blew the tree  softly in all directions . It was truly a humble home.

She hadn't even taken a step into the compound when a young boy of about eleven years of age  came rushing out of the house with a bright smile on his round face.

" Grandma !!... ,You're back !".

"How's my lovely boy doing?"  She ruffled his hair playfully.

" You took long to get home ".  He said pouting his lips .

" I'm sorry okay, I had to stop by the store get something for dinner".

" Did you meet her ??".  He looked up at her with his eyes widely open,his eyes were pleading hopefully to get the answer he wanted to hear.

She sighed,she did not want to disappoint him. Seeing him hurting every single day crushed her soul .

" Yes ...I did ".  She finally replied  .

" And ??.. is she coming back soon?".  He asked hopefully.

She smiled sadly and placed her hands on his cheek." I didn't get a chance to talk to her,she was in a hurry to leave".

"Ohh.. ".  His voice immediately turned low almost into a whisper.

The old lady took his hand and led him into the house,she could clearly see that a tear had escaped from his eyelids but he quickly wiped it off with his sleeve.
   This child had been lonely for a very long time, he lacked motherly care which he wanted so badly . He was completely cut off from the world,even from his fellow classmates at school.  The principal had to advice them to withdraw him from school and take him to a home for  disabled children.
      It wasn't that he was disabled or anything but he refused to talk in school. He hadn't talked to anyone in school since elementary one up untill grade three
    The teachers had done everything possible to make him speak but nothing worked and he wasn't doing well in school either. His grades were far beyond worse, imagine getting an F all throughout eleven years of your life.
The teachers thought his brain couldn't cope with the academic system so they had to isolate him from others kids and teach him separately but it's was all futile,his case was a severe one.
    It was as if they were teaching a ghost, all he does was stare at his note book or at the floor whenever he's tired of starring at his note book.
      There was even a time the principal of his school concluded that he was dumb and probably deaf too and his brain capacity was very low for a child his age .
      They had to withdraw him from school and the old lady had done her best to teach him the little she could, but surprisingly enough,he talks perfectly at home and respond to teachings only from his grandmother.
    The issue was reported to the headteacher and principal and they had to provide books and learning tools for him to study at home . His condition was quite severe,the principal had done everything she could to help him become sociable but all to no avail. She had to give up and refer him to a therapist.
    The therapist discoverd that he had selective mutism ,and could be cured but that would take a long time and great effort. They didn't have enough money for his therapy sessions so they had to stop for a while.
   Ever since then ,the boy had stopped school and had to study at home. Lately he had been showing progress but he still doesn't talk to anyone except three people, his mom,dad and grandmother.

The whole situation made his grandmother sad,the fact that he missed his mother and she couldn't do anything about it hurt her so badly.
    She patted his head and took him into the house. " Don't worry,she will come back one day....I know it ,she just need time ".

" How much more time ? ". A deep voice echoed from  the kitchen." I'm only been patient because you asked me to and because of  Levi . I  don't think I  can stay quiet and watch her treat me like a fool !"

" Steven !! Please don't cause any trouble ....just let them be ".  The old lady pleaded,she knew he was angry and hurting a lot....who wouldn't be after the mother of your child ran away with a rich man and that rich man turned out to be your trusted friend.

I won't ,I have better things to do but I will never forgive her and most especially him . I just pray our paths never cross or it would be bloody ".  He said angrily and left the kitchen.

" Is daddy angry again?" Levi asked with teary eyes .

She gave him a warm smile ." He'll cool down soon enough ".

      She sighed again, she knew the kind of man Steven was. He doesn't let go of things easily and he already had enough hatred towards Pamela and Cisco . The only thing she wants right now was a peaceful life for Levi, he already went through enough as a child  while watching his parents fight and quarrel every single day since he was born. They had almost even given him up to a foster home as neither of them wanted a child they didn't plan to have .
  If not for her intervention ,Levi would have been in a foster home or maybe an orphanage home.

  If only Pamela would come back to her senses and let go of her greedy thirst for wealth. Even if she did ,it's already too late.
       Steven already swore never to take her back and that he must have his revenge.


Dear ladies and gentlemen,
    Chapter 17 has finally arrived,I hope you loved it . See you in the next chapter !  (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)

Love y'all ❤️



Glossary -

  Selective mutism is a disorder in which a person mostly children have difficulty speaking or interacting in certain social situations.



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