Chapter 48 - Always yours

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Two weeks later


                    I watched as Pamela was brought to me in chains. She was chained from her hands to her legs which indicated that she was a chronic murderer.

    She had been sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour,While her minions were sentenced to life imprisonment as well.

What could I say , her new status befitted her .

       Cisco had been against my coming here . He said she already got what she deserved so there was no need for me to see her . I knew he did not want us to fight like we did when they were getting divorced  . We didn't actually fight,I beat her up because she refused to sign the papers.

It was so not like me to beat someone up,it was against my principals . I didn't even know I had the guts to beat a fellow woman up .Cisco on the other hand did nothing to stop me mostly because he would receive all the blows instead of her and he didn't want to.

     I wanted to give her a piece of my mind and assure her that I would make her suffer in jail. And so he had no choice but to come with me .

  At first ,she didn't want to see me but she was powerless against me so she was forced out . She looked haggard and thinner than before.

     No wonder it was called hard labour!. There were various bruises on her face and hands.

  The police had reported that she had been harming herself purposely and was behaving strange. Even other prisoners thought she was acting strange,too strange that they thought she was insane.
   They said that she would be taken to the asylum if it were proven that she had indeed gone insane.

   And I had to see her before she was transferred.

From the looks of it ,she was indeed going insane . The chains were there to prove it .

  Her hair looked like what hadn't been washed in ages and her face had dirt all over it .

She smiled weekly as she sat opposite us. " ex came to visit me ,how lovely".

I almost throw up,it was obvious that she was referring to Cisco . He shifted uncomfortable in his chair.

"Did you know that he had cheated even before we got married?". She asked smiling. Her smile was so fake that it made me want to puke.

"Shut up!" Cisco spoke rather calmly.

I knew she was doing this to annoy me and was looking for a way to make Cisco and I fight but I wouldn't let her .

She laughed . Even her laugh could burst someone's eardrum. " don't want your wife to find out about your affair?."

I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed my hands on the table to shut her up. " I did not come here for you to reminisce about your wasted life with my husband".

She just kept smiling as if what I said didn't affect her. "We slept together so many times before and after our marriage . Even after the marriage we still had sex and on your matrimonial bed."

I tried to hold back but I couldn't. I slapped her hard across the face . She couldn't do anything because her hands were chained.

Instead she just laughed like a maniac . "Just you wait , he'll dump you! . " She screamed. Her eyes were red and blazing . She was breathing heavily like she had run a thousand meters. The chains were the only thing holding her back or she would have pounced on me .

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