The past

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June 26th 1992

It was a warm morning in New York City, the golden sun peering over the city buildings, glowing into the hospital room window. A man, cradled his newborn baby girl in his arms, smiling down at her with love in his eyes. The morning sun shone over her face as she tried opening her eyes, spotting the man, her father, holding and looking down at her.

Tony Stark was his name. Yes, THAT Tony Stark.

He had already thought of the most perfect name as soon as he saw her for the first time. Naming her y/n.

y/n's mother was an ordinary woman, but she wanted nothing to do with the baby, she carried her until she was born and soon left her with her father. When y/n was a child sometimes she wondered why her mother never stayed with her and her dad. Was it her fault? Was she just not ready to be a mother?

The care of y/n was left to Tony. Yet he was not ready for a child either, but as soon as he saw y/n for the first time after she was born he was in awe. He knew he would (somewhat) try his best to be a great father for her, so he stepped right up and took custody of her.

Y/n was his first priority, as much as he loved being in the lab and working for Stark Industries, he loved Y/n more. Tony wanted to be the best parent he could due to feeling neglected by his own father sometimes when he was a child. He wanted to be better, he needed to be better.


Just after y/n had turned three years old Tony began to notice certain things about the young girl. When she would get upset or throw a tantrum small objects that lay in the room y/n was in would start to float in the air, crashing back down to where they originally were when she would swing her arms in anger, sometimes zipping across the room. Sometime after that, she began reading the minds of people, y/n was at that stage where she was talking, so sometimes she would ask her dad why he was stressing over a meeting coming up randomly while they were near each other.

Tony, being as confused as he was began to research what y/n was experiencing, soon figuring out that the girl was born with psychic abilities, telekinesis, and mind reading.

Tony made y/n promise to never show or tell anyone of her abilities, he was worried if the government found out about them they could possibly take her away and run experiments on her, or kill her.

Fast forward to 2012

A whole lot was going on in the Stark family at the moment, A few years ago Tony came out as Iron Man, a hero defending the city, and not going to lie, it did make y/n mad, Why was Tony allowed to be a hero using gadgets and technology but she wasn't allowed to be a hero with her own powers.

Apart from that a god named Loki had broken into a s.h.i.e.l.d facility and taken something called the tessaract. So now not only was Tony a hero in the city but there were 5 more! After your dad and the soon-to-be Avengers captured Loki they discovered his scepter, a large blue gem glowed on the end of it, and energy radiating off of it caused your dad and Bruce Banner to start studying it.

y/n had accidentally bumped into Dr. Banner before so she casually walked into the lab where he and Tony were studying, because y/n was homeschooled her whole life she was shy, she hadn't met the others yet. As soon as the girl walked into the lab about to say hi to her dad and Bruce a heavy weight was felt on her head, she groaned and held her head in her hand for a moment. A rattling sound filled her ears as if something was trying to break free. The girl looked up from her hand and spotted the scepter, the blue gem that glowed rattled until it broke free from the scepter.

The world around y/n was quiet, not a noise could be heard, She couldn't hear her dad or Bruce behind her, or the city below her in the tower, it was all quiet, almost peaceful. The peace in her mind soon became fear as she looked around, her dad was gone, Bruce was gone, it was dark. Walking over to the window he looked down at the city, she couldn't see anything, it was like a thick black cloud of smoke covered the windows, that was until in the refection the gem began to glow even more than before. Y/n turned around. The fear washed away as she stared at the gem, noticing it slowly hover over towards her, The thought of Tony disappearing and the darkness around her was gone.

Clocking her head to the side slightly she felt her arm lift, going to reach for the stone, it was like her arm had a mind of its own, y/ns finger barely brushed it before it exploded, pieces of the gem floated around her as a bright light shone in the young womans face. The energy of the stone flew out, circling her, it was unreal, it felt like a dream. y/n watched the light of the energy float around before absorbing into her skin, her eyes slightly widened as this happened, her skin and veins began to glow as the energy of the stone went within her, she continued to watch in shock as the energy went throughout her body until it ass went blank.

Except none of that happened.

Well, it did.

But only y/n saw it all happen.

In reality, as soon as y/n walked into the lab the stone did glow, catching the attention of Tony and Bruce, Bruce was instructed by Tony to fetch the others as he went over to y/n, gripping onto her arm and trying to pull her away, but when she wouldn't budge and the stone began to shake tony grabbed onto his daughter trying to free her from the trance she was in with the stone.

A few seconds later the stone stopped, the glow of it went away and it stopped shaking, Tony's grip on his daughter loosened and as soon as he did that y/n fell limp, her legs gave out as she fainted, Tony acted quickly and grabbed his daughter before her head hit the hard floor.

The moment Tony caught his daughter, heavy footsteps were heard running towards the lab, Bruce came back with a few others by his side, Agent Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, and the mystical god of thunder, Thor.

(IMPORTANT A/N PLEASE READ) Hihii I just wanna say thank you so much for 100k reads on my book! I'm extremely grateful and never thought this book would make it this far, I began writing this almost a year ago and my style of writing has changed since then so I am going to rewrite this book chapter by chapter, The plot will NOT change so don't worry!! Im just going to make it more descriptive and understanding (purely because I'm reading some of these chapters and wondering "What the fuck was I writing here") but thank you again for 100k reads loves <333

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