Seeing thor again

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(A/n) y'all better be ready for this, got 10 chapters for this movie ;)

"Are you sure you will be ok?" T'challa asked you as you left the barrier of Wakanda.

"I'm sure I'll be fine, Thor told me to just call Heimdall...well I hope it works..." you said looking around.

"If you ever need anything or want to come back, you are more than welcome to come back to Wakanda," T'challa told you.

"Thank you t'challa" you told him as you hugged him.

You backed up smiling at t'challa then looked up.

"Uhh, I guess I just call out his name..?" You said standing your ground. "Erm...Heimdall??!!" You yelled out.

You have it a few seconds before looking back at t'challa. "I guess it didn't- WOAHHH" you yelled as a rainbow glow surrounded you pulling you up into the sky, away from earth.

It had only been about a minute before your feet landed on the ground, you looked around a bit before taking a few steps.

"Who are you?" A man asked who was standing at a sword.

"Uhh I'm y/n, are you Heimdall? Thor told me I could come whenever."

"Heimdall's on the run, Odin tried to lock him up, I'm skurge, and we haven't seen Thor in a long time, but if Thor did allow you to come...I guess you can stay...with permission from Odin though!" We said coming closer to you unsure.

"Ohh umm, yeah I guess," you said standing in front of him.

"Hi skurge" you heard from behind skurge, you looked around to see two Asgardian women at the entrance.

"Ahh, ladies just in time!" Skurge smiled walking over to them and offering them a seat on the stairs. "Y/n, please! Join them we will talk to Odin in a moment." He said gesturing towards the women.

"Oh...uhh sure.." you said taking a seat.

"Heimdall was an idiot, this job should have made him rich! Now the job ain't easy but it does have its benefits. The big rosy gives me access to everything the nine realms have to offer. I mean it's all mine for the stuff!" He said pointing to the collection of rubbish from earth.


"I'm particularly fond of these. I pulled them out of a place on Midgard called...textass. I even named them...des and Troy." He said proudly.

You put your face in your hands trying to hold in the laugh.

"You see when you put them together...they destroy." He explained.

"Skurge...they're also called guns," you told him.

You looked at you shocked.

"Are you from Midgard?" He asked you.

"Well I don't know of a Midgard but I am from earth." You told him.

"We call earth Midgard...but really? How exciting!" He said putting down the guns. "Anyways ladies look at this! I don't know what this is but when you shake it...."

"Heimdall? Heimdall?!" You heard a voice from the Bifrost sword.

The girls looked over at the sword before asking. "Uhh, that important..?

Skurge ran over locking the sword in place, "you girls are in for a treat!" He said before turning the sword.

The sword glowed before the Bifrost started glowing, in a second Thor jumped out sliding across the floor before a decapitated dragon head slid through the Bifrost, its blood splattering everywhere, you quickly put a shield around yourself before you could get hit.

A golden sun | Thor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now