"You're important, we need you."

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A month had passed since the battle in sokovia and a lot had changed, your dad sold the stark tower and bought a new facility that you were all moving into. Wanda, vision, rhodey, and sam were all moving in too.

you were in your dad's car as he drove up to the new building.

"Your gonna do great kid." Your dad said to you as you guys pulled up to the building.

"I hope I do," you said as you got out of the car.

you and your dad walked into the building together as you guys walked over to the offices where your dad picked up a box and put it In your hands.

"there's your suit, it's just how you designed it, I got the best people to work on it and if you don't like it we can change it up," he told you as you opened the box.

you grabbed the suit and held it up in front of you "I love it dad, thank you" you told him and smiled.


Quick visual!

It honestly doesn't really matter what your suit looks like! But just a visual to help! <3

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It honestly doesn't really matter what your suit looks like! But just a visual to help! <3


"I knew you would like it," he said to you.

"Sorry to interrupt, can I borrow y/n for a minute" you heard a deep voice say from the door. Looking behind your dad you saw Thor standing there at the door.

"Yeah alright," your dad said, "y/n make sure to change into that when you're done!" He pointed at you as you walked off with the god.

"Is everything alright Thor?" You asked him as you guys walked outside.

"Yes, but I must confess something to you." He said stopping in front of you and turning around.

"Yeah what's up," you asked looking up at him.

"It's about that dream I had that wanda gave me, the infinity stones are not the only thing in that dream," he confessed to you.

"What else was in the dream?" You asked him.

"You." He said.

your head clocked to the side as a small smile crept on your face.

"You were in that dream, I don't know why, somethings coming up with these infinity stones, I think someone would be after them. But for some reason you were there, you weren't doing anything but you were there, you're important, and we need you."

"Really? I mean I don't think I'm that important. But out of everyone, why was I there?" You asked.

"I'm not sure, I'm going to go find these infinity stones, that's why I wanted to ask if you would come with me?" He asked you.

You were really smiling now. you thought for a moment, "Oh, I'd love to come but you know, I'm going to be an Avenger, but is there any way I could come to you if I needed to?" You asked him.

"Oh yes I forgot and uh, I mean, if you ever did need me, Heimdall will be watching over you, just call him, and he will bring you to me." He told you.

"How do I do that?" You asked.

"Just call out to him. He will bring you to Asgard, to me." He told you.

"To Asgard?"

"Don't worry y/n, we don't bite." Thor chuckled.

Without thinking thors hands went to the sides of your face as he looked down at you, he slowly leaned into you, he was so close to you that if you moved anymore your lips would just-

"ahem" you guys heard behind you.

thors hands fell from your face as you whipped around and saw your dad and steve standing there waiting for thor.

"Well, I must go," he said to you.

He looked down at you before taking your hand into his, lifting it up, and gently giving it a kiss. You looked up at him in awe as he kept eye contact with you as he kissed your hand.

"Until next time, y/n." He whispered before walking away.

You watched as he walked away, your mouth open and your eyes wide. You snapped back after Thor walked away.

You ran into a bathroom and into a stall, grabbing your suit and putting it on, you opened the stall and looked at yourself in the mirror using your magic to quickly fix yourself up before running out of the bathroom.

You flew down into the main area and met with Wanda, vision, Sam, and Rhody, a few meters away from you were Steve and Natasha, at the top of the stairs.


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