The king of asgard

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You and Thor went into one of the rooms at the back of the ship surprisingly, finding a first aid kit, you tending to wounds and then putting an eyepatch over his eye.

"you look like your dad," you told him, which made him smile.

"I don't know how I could've done this without you y/n, thank you," he said to you.

"I'm happy that I was here to help Thor, and I needed some time away from earth, and even if this is not what I expected, I'm still happy to be here with you right now" you looked up at him lovingly.

And he looked down at you, giving you a smile before wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, he then leaned in closer to you, locking his lips to yours, this kiss was different. It was full of love.

You guys let go of the kiss as Thor turned and looked at himself in the mirror, grazing his fingers over the eyepatch before you guys spotted Loki behind you, through the reflection of the mirror.

"it suits you," Loki told thor, meaning the eyepatch on his eye.

"maybe you're not so bad after all brother"

"maybe not" Loki smiled at his older brother.

"thank you, if you were here, I might even give you a hug," he said throwing a lid from a bottle of alcohol at him, thinking, it was one of his illusions.

Loki caught it in his hands, smiling at Thor, as Thor smiled back "I'm here"


You stood next to the chair at the front of the ship, you watched as the crowd of Asgardians slowly made a path for thor, as they bowed when he walked past.

"Your throne" he smiled at him as he came around and sat in it, now officially the king of Asgard.

Thor looked up at you, giving you a smile as he grabbed your hand locking it with his as it rested on the arm of his chair.

"So king of Asgard, where to?" Heimdall asked Thor.

"I'm not sure, any suggestions?" Thor asked around. "Miek, where are you from?" He asked the purple monster that was in korgs arms.

"Oh mieks dead," Korg said pointing to him "yeah no I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty that I've been carrying him around all day." He said before miek started chittering and woke up. "Oh miek your alive! He's alive guys! What was your question again bro?"

"Earth it is."

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