Back to asgard

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After the plan had been set you and Valkyrie, were currently together walking through the halls of the palace sneakily, heading towards the area where sakaars fighters stay.

"All right, blast it!" Valkyrie told you.

you used your hands to make a huge ball of energy before throwing it at the door of the cell that keeps all of sakaars fighters in, blowing it up.

"We're looking for Korg!" You said walking in with Valkyrie.

"Who's asking? I know you're asking, but is there anyone else asking?" Korg asked you.

Valkyrie then threw a laser rifle at Korg, "the lord of thunder sends his best!" You told him giggling after saying it before turning to Valkyrie and pointing at her "don't tell him I said that." You warned her, "alright everyone let's go!" You shouted

"The revolution has begun!"


"Quick get in my ship!" Valkyrie said to you and Bruce.

"Are you sure I'll be able to fly this?" you asked her looking at the control panel.

"Well, we are going to leave it behind so if it gets destroyed...we'll then it's really not gonna matter, just don't kill yourself." She told you.

You guys zoomed out of the Sakaarian palace and chased after a ship that was on Thor's tail, shooting at the ship he was in.

"Good shot!" Bruce said to you.

"Thanks! This is surprisingly easy." You said to him.

Valkyrie, who was seated next to you, turned on her, comms to Thor's ship. "Open the doors she told him as you aimed the ship underneath his.

"I hope that you're tougher than you look!" Valkyrie shouted at Bruce.

"Why?!" Bruce shouted back, asking her before she pushed a button, lunging Bruce out of his seat and onto Thor's ship.

"Are there any guns on this ship?" Thor asked through the comms.

"There aren't any! it's a leisure vessel!"


" The grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff!" She said to Thor. You looked at her disgusted.


You guys launched forward as Valkyries ship, got blasted from behind one of her engines, getting destroyed, and now on fire.

"I'm going out! Ram this into something to make them think we crashed!" Valkyrie said before jumping out.

"Oh shit shit shit shit shit!" You shouted as you swerved a bunch of blasts. You spotted a huge rubbish pile in the distance before opening the doors to Valkyrie's ship, jumping out just in time before it blew up.

You quickly landed right on the front of the ship, that you were escaping on, looking down through the window to see Thor and Bruce relieved that you were still alive, you quickly sent them a smile and a wave before jumping back into the air.

You quickly flew through the air before landing on one of the ships that were blasting at Thor your used energy blast to destroy it, hopping from one to another.

You, Valkyrie and Thor, who had jumped out of his ship to come to help you guys all landed on one at the same time, Thor grabbed the sakaarian, that was in the spacecraft, throwing them out as Valkyrie grabbed onto the steering wheel, aiming their ship underneath our one before thor and Valkyrie jumped up into the ship as you flew up.

Valkyrie and Thor landed next to each other as you landed in front of them directly in front of Thor before looking up at him as he looked down at you, smiling.

" Guys were coming up to the devil's anus!" Bruce told you three as you walked over to the front looking out.

Thor and Valkyrie quickly took a hold of the driving seat as you and Bruce sat behind them "here we go!" Valkyrie shouted over the noise outside as you guys went up continuously swerving, and being hit by objects, that were being thrown down.

The pressure from inside the hole was too much for you to handle before you quickly felt yourself slipping into a deep sleep, trying to hold yourself out of it for as long as you can before your eyes shut, and Black surrounded you.


You soon woke up, looking around forgetting for a minute that you were in a spaceship. You looked outside at the space around you before looking forward to seeing Asgard in front of you guys.

"I never thought I'd be back here," Valkyrie told you guys as she looked around at the planet.

"I thought it would be a lot nicer I mean- not that it's not nice it's just it's just on fire," Bruce said, getting up from his seat, and looking at the planet in front of him.

"here, up in the mountains, heat signatures. people clustered together, she's coming for them" valkyrie said, pointing to the screen on the ship.

"Okay drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away," Thor said

"And get yourself killed?" You asked him.

"The people trapped down There are all that matters right now, while I'm dealing with hela, need you three to help out everyone off Asgard," Thor explained to use three.

"how the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce asked Thor.

"I have a man on the ground," Thor said to you guys, you smirking, already knowing who it is.

You guys soon quickly landed the ship before Thor got off and ran off to quickly go grab a gun, a few minutes later, he came back in with a huge one, putting it in the ship.

"And now the ship has a gun," he said adjusting it up.

"We'll take it from here," you said to him.

"I uhh, found this in the armoury, give it to Valkyrie," he said giving you what appeared to be Valkyrie's old armour.

"you're gonna be alright, right?" You said to him just before he was about to walk away,

"don't worry, I'll try to be," he said to you as he walked over to you quickly grabbing you by the back of your neck and pulling you into a kiss. "Good luck," he said to you.

"Please don't die," you said to him as the ship started again as it floated up soon zooming away.

You walk to the front of the ship with Valkyrie, and Bruce, putting the armour into Valkyrie's lap. "You might want that," you said to her smiling as she looked at it.

"Thank you," she said smiling. "Do you have anything to wear?" She asked you.

"Of course," you asked as you used your magic to change your outfit.

 "Of course," you asked as you used your magic to change your outfit

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*cough cough* new suit, just without the headpiece and shield logo. (This also doesn't have to be your suit it's just a visualisation for anyone that can't think of one)

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