The safehouse

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"Y/n... y/n... y/n!" You were shaken awake by someone.

Opening your eyes you saw Thor above you, you were shocked and quickly sat up. Looking around you, you were sitting on the floor of the jet. Out the window was the golden sun of the morning.

"We have arrived at the safe house," he told you as he got up from his kneeling position and walked over to the front of the jet.

Getting up you yawned rubbing your eyes, you were exhausted from the battle just a few hours ago.


You guys walked down the long path toward a house. You never knew about the avengers having a safe house before.

Clint opened the door walking in first with a frail Nat in his arms. Walking in he led you guys into the lounge room.

"Honey? I'm home!" He called out.

From around the corner, came a very pregnant woman with kid drawings and paintings in her hands, she looked at you guys worryingly before spotting clint.

"Hi. Company, Sorry, didn't call ahead." Clint said to the woman.

Everyone looked at Clint confused, Clint had a wife? How come nobody knew about this?

"Hey," she said giving him a kiss.

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony said trying to figure out what was happening.

"Guys, this is Laura." He said introducing the women.

"I know all your names," she said then chuckled.

The avengers, being the awkward things they are just stood there, tony giving her a little wave. Then you guys heard multiple footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Ooh, incoming" Clint said going towards the doorframe.

Then 2 small kids came running in and straight into Clint's arms, hugging him.

"Dad!" The little girl said.

"Hi, sweetheart! Hey buddy!" He said picking up the little girl and hugging the older boy.

The avengers were even more confused now.

"These are...smaller agents," tony said.

"Did you bring auntie Nat?" The little girl asked Clint when he put her down.

Nat came around from behind you smiling approaching the little girl.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" She said picking up the little girl and giving her a hug.

"Sorry for barging in on you" Steve apologized.

"Yeah we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Your dad said to Laura.

"Yeah well fury helped me set this up when I joined, he kept it off shields files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." Clint explained.

You looked at clint as his daughter refused to let go of her dad, hugging him while he held her in his arms, ever since you were little you wanted to be a mum, maybe even have a dog, or a cat, without thinking your head turned to look at thor, you quickly looked back at clint when you noticed thor already looking at you.

You heard a crumble and looked back over to see that Thor, stepped on a Lego house and was now pushing it under the chair, which made a smile creep onto your face. You watched as Thor blanked out for a few seconds before heading toward the door. You followed him out of the house.

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