Thor vs hulk

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You sneaked through the halls of the grandmaster's tower, hoping to find the god.

"Hey...over here" you heard a voice. You turned and saw scraper 142. You sighed and walked over to her.

"What do you want." You said walking over.

"Hey I'm not gonna start anything, look I'm sorry for being so stern with you but if you want to find Thor, follow me," she said to you as she walked off.

You followed her down before stopping behind a wall. "He's over there" she whispered. You looked around the corner and saw two Sakaar guards in the way.

"Oh, that's easy," You said giving it a second before the guards were knocked out completely.

"How did you do that?" She asked you.

"Magic," You replied before walking down the hallway to the door. "Thank you!" You said before getting to the door. You looked at the door looking for any handle or lock pad. "Where is this stupid thing" you muttered to yourself before giving up and opening the door with your magic.

"Thor?!" You yelled walking in. Looking around, blood, dirt, rock, and even a dead body. "Y/n?!" You heard a familiar deep voice yell. "Thor?!" You yelled again making your way toward his voice before seeing him.

"Oh my god y/n," he said coming up to you and cupping your face in his hands. "Are you ok? Did they put you in here too?"

You placed your hands on his while you stared up at him lovingly. "No, no" you chuckled "I broke in, I had to see you." You told him taking your hands off of his and putting your hands on his cheeks. "I've uhh- I've been meaning to tell you something." You said nervously. "This guy seems pretty strong and uh"

"Don't worry y/n, I'm not gonna die, I've battled worse," he told you.

Thor took a step closer to you looking down at you, looking at your eyes than your lips. "Y'know y/n I've also been needing to tell you something," he said before leaning in closer to you. You looked at him before leaning closer your eyes started to close as you got closer to him, just inches away-

"Hey, guys!" You and Thor heard, you jumped away from each other and you saw a man made of rocks.

"uhh, Korg- um-" Thor stuttered.

"The guards will be here soon to come to grab us for the fight! Are you fighting too?" Korg asked you.

"Ohh, uh- no um- I'm just gonna go," You said walking to the door and using your magic to open it again before walking out. You walked down the hall to a corner before laying against it. You sighed before using your magic to wake up the guards again before walking away.


You watched Valkyrie (let's just say she told you to call her that cause I'm sick of calling her scraper 142) walk over before stepping onto her ship.

"Stop leaning on my ship," she said getting in. You chuckled as you followed her onto her ship, sitting down as she flew you guys over to the arena.

"Do you think he will be ok?" you asked her as she set up the ship and sat down next to you, grabbing some beer.

"Maybe, I don't know"

"What a show! what's a night! This is what you've come for, and so have I, and now without further ado, it's main event time" the grandmaster, said, as the people of Sakaar started cheering.

"making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising got a couple of tricks up his sleeve I'll say no more see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... lord of thunder" the grandmaster, announced as Thor stepped out onto the arena.

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