Im fine

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You sat in the lounge on the phone before rocket came into the room.

"Hey! Rocket! How are you doing?" You said getting up.

"Usual stuff, you sure you wanna come with us?" Rocket asked you.

"Yes I need to see him"


You drove, yourself, rocket and Bruce in a truck that you totally did not steal down to new Asgard. You sucked in a breath as you parked before hopping out, no matter what, you will be seeing Thor again today.

"Kind of a step down from the golden palaces and magic hammers and whatnot."

"Hey have a little compassion pal, first they lost Asgard then half their people, they're probably just happy to have a home"

"You shouldn't have come!" You heard a voice.

"Valkyrie!" You said approaching her.

"Hey y/n," she said giving you a side hug.

"Ahh, Valkyrie, great to see you, angry girl," Bruce said coming over.

Valkyrie looked him up and down "I think I like you better either of the other ways," she said to Bruce.

"This is rocket"

"How ya doing?"

Valkyrie looked down at rocket before looking back up at Bruce " he won't see you, y/n's been trying to see him for the past five years, and he's refused, we only see him once a month when he comes for... supplies" she said looking at the beer.

"Yeah well, this time nothing is stopping me from seeing him," you told her.

You guys went over to thors house as rocket knocked on the door a few times. You guys gave up after a few minutes just letting yourselves in, rocket then Bruce, then you.

"What The? Whew! Something died in here!"

"Hello? Thor!" Bruce called out.

"Are you here about the cable? The Cinemax went out two weeks ago and the sports and all kinda went fuzzy and whatnot." You heard a groggy voice say from the other room.

"Thor?" Bruce questioned.

You watched as Thor slowly turned around, his hair messy, clearly not been washed since, well... a while, and he gained weight.

"Boys! Oh my god!" He yelled clearly not seeing you set. "Oh my god, it's so good to see you! And you! Come here you little rascal" he said hugging them.

"No! No! No that's not necessary!" Rocket yelled.

"Hulk you know my friends, miek and Korg right?"

"Hey boys"

"Hey, guys! Long time no see"

"Beers in the bucket! Feel free to log onto the wifi, no password obviously." Korg told them.

Bruce quickly grabbed onto thors shoulder turning him to you, who was standing behind him.

"Hey, Thor..."

"Y/n?!" He yelled quickly grabbing a sweater and putting it around himself "what- what are you- what are you doing here?" He asked you trying to keep his cool.

"I came to see you..." you said grabbing his face "you poor thing"

"Thor! Thor, he's back! That kid on the tv just called me a dickhead again!" Korg told Thor.

"Noobmaster" Thor growled

"Yeah noobmaster69, called me a dickhead"

Thor pulled away from you taking korgs headset from him and putting it on. "I am sick of this. Noobmaster hey it's Thor again. You know, the god of thunder, listen bud, if you don't log off this game immediately I am gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement your hiding in rip off your arms, and shove them up your butt!!! Oh, that's right, yes! Go cry to your father, you little weasel." He said then taking off the headset.

"Thank you, Thor."

"Let me know if he bothers you again okay?"

"Thank you very much I will"

"So you guys want a drink? What are we drinking? We've got beer, tequila, all sorts of things."

You walked over to Thor who was taking a swig of beer before looking at you. You disintegrated The bottle that was in thors hands in a second.

"Thor, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, why? Why don't I look alright?"

"You look like melted Icecream" rocket told him.

Thor laughed at him. "So what's up? You just here for a hang or what?"

"We need your help," Bruce said coming up next to you "there might be a chance we could fix everything."

"What like the cable? Cause that's been driving me bananas for weeks."

"Like Thanos," Bruce told him.

You watched as thors smile faded as he looked up at Bruce, putting his hand on his shoulder and pointing at him. "D-don't say his name"

"Um yeah we don't actually say that name in here," Korg told you guys from behind you.

"Please take your hand off of me," Bruce said trying to get thors hand off of him. "I know that guy might scare you."

"Why would I be..?" Thor asked scoffing. "Why would I be scared of that guy? Who killed that guy?"

"I did," you said next to him

"Well, it was with my axe so technically both of us." He said, pointing at you. "anyone else kill that guy?" He said shaking his head "nope. Didn't think so. Korg why don't you uh tell everybody, who 'technically' chopped Thanos's big head off"

"Umm, Stormbreaker?"

"Man I get it, You're in a rough spot, I've been there myself and you want to know who helped me out of it?"

"Uh uh uh uh- was it uh- Natasha?"

"It was you. You helped me"

"Why don't you ask, those Asgardians down there... how much of a help I'm worth. The ones that are left anyway." He said sitting down.

"I think we could bring them back," you said to him.

Thor chuckled "stop, just stop okay? I know you think I'm down here wallowing in my own self-pity waiting to be rescued and saved...but I'm fine okay? We're fine, aren't we?" He asked korg and miek.

"Oh, we're all good here, mate"

"So, whatever it is that you're offering, we're not into it. Don't care, couldn't care less." He said shoving a piece of candy into his mouth. "Goodbye"

"We need to pal," Bruce said to him.

Thor chuckled and shook his head again.

"There's beer on the ship." Rocket told him.

"What kind?"

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