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The present

A loud boom was heard as something crashed into the side of the stark tower, happening right outside your window, Your eyes shot open as you lunged yourself forward on your bed. Muttering to yourself, thinking it was a dream, you looked around for a moment thinking it was just a dream until another crash outside the tower caught you off guard, you flinched, and as soon as you did that objects around your bedroom began to hover in the air, it happened sometimes when you got scared, but this was different.

You look around confused before using your mind to hover an object over towards you, it was a photo frame, a picture of your dad and you when you were around five, you were sitting on your dad's shoulders laughing, you looked at the frame, noticing a misty glow hovered around the frame, it was like the energy of the stone you saw, it danced around the frame.

(A/n) Imagine your powers like Wanda's except black... I know very original <3 :)

"What the..." you muttered under your breath.

Your mind was going crazy, like all your thoughts became sounds all shouting at you at once, You gipped your head as it throbbed, this was new, this had never happened before, You felt so different, something happened when you touched that stone. Slowly getting up from the bed all the thoughts still shouted at you, your mind wouldn't go quiet.

"What is happening?" you asked yourself through your teeth.

You began wondering what that stone did to you, and why were your powers so different

You raised your hands to lower the objects, but as soon as your mind focused on what you were doing the same black glow that was dancing around the objects started covering your hands, your skin was also glowing to the point where you were able to see the dark veins that litter your hands and lower arms.

"Holy shit" you breathed out while turning over your hands to look at the powerful glow that danced around your hands.

Putting your hands in front of you, you lowered them slowly watching the objects around the room slowly lower at the same pace as your hands before they hit the surface.

After a minute of trying to process what in the world had happened to you, another crash was heard from outside of your bedroom window, you flinched at the crash then ran over to your window only to see a war, well the end of a war. Buildings either collapsed, were on fire, or were damaged. People running around trying to find loved ones, and what appeared to be aliens were littered outside dead on the ground.

"Dad?" You called out worried.
No answer.
"Dad?!" You called out again even more worried. You knew about him being Iron Man that he was obviously in this battle.

You turned away from the window and ran to your bedroom door and swung it open as you called for your dad again.
"Y/n?!" You heard someone call out. Running towards the lounge and bar area of the tower there stood your dad with the Hulk, Clint, Natasha, Steve and someone you had never seen before, on the ground beneath them was a dark-haired man.

You look at everyone near your dad awkwardly as you walked over to him, trying not to step on any glass as you walked over.

"You alright?" He asked grabbing your arm and pulling you over to him, he held you in his grip as his metal arm held you and kissed the top of your head.

"I'll have that drink now." The dark-haired man said sitting up.

"Ok get him up, by the way, feel free to clean up," Tony declared to the others as he let you go for a moment then grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked you

"I mean, I feel fine but everything's different," You replied looking at your hands. "It's like — it's like I have magic"

A golden sun | Thor x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin