Hela, goddess of death

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You stood in between Thor and Loki as you guys watched an aged care being torn down from a block in New York.

Due to you still being on "the run" you wore a jacket with a pair of sunglasses and a cap on.

"I swear I left him right here," Loki told you guys.

"Right here on the sidewalk or right there where the building is being demolished?" Thor asked Loki. "Great planning" you added.

"how was I supposed to know? can't see into the future I'm not a witch" he said to you guys.

"No? Then why do you dress like one?" Thor asked.


" I can't believe you're alive. I saw you die. I mourned for you. I cried for you."

"I'm honored..."

"hi, would you mind taking a picture with us?" two women came up to Thor asking him.

You quickly turned away from the two girls looking into the distance of the city.

You turned back when you saw a spark coming from next to you, you looked to see an orange-looking circle of sparks go around Loki's feet.

"what's this? what are you doing?" you asked Loki.

"This isn't me." He replied to you before falling into the floor. "OH-"

You watched as he fell before the orange glow stopped and a card with a note on it appeared. You picked it up looking at it as Thor came behind you looking at the note.

"What's this?" He asked you.

"It's an address...it's right down the street," you said as you started walking.

"Hey wait up!"

"Don't be so loud we don't need to give you any more attention than you already have got" you said whispering to him.

"Oh well I quite love the attention, earth does seem to love me-"

"Yeah well, earth hates me at the moment, if someone finds me, well I'll be locked up."

"What has happened in the past year with you, y/n? Why are you being so secretive?"

"somethings happened. I'll explain later, but I can't be seen right now," you said as you guys walked up to the building. Thor went ahead and knocked on the door, before Thor could knock on the door three times you guys teleported inside of the building, you let out a little yelp before clinging onto Thor to stop you from tripping.

"Thor Odinson..." a voice said from behind you guys, Thor held up his umbrella...well Mjolnir...disguised as an umbrella from Loki's magic. "God of thunder... y/n Stark...h/n" (hero name, y'all get to choose whatever you want I'm too lazy) "you can put down the umbrella" Thor looked down to see an umbrella holder, he looked at the man as he put it down. As soon as it was put down you guys teleported again.

You looked behind you as the man leaned against a table looking at you guys.

"so earth has Uhh, wizards now," Thor said waving around a spear-looking thing before trying to put it back in place before dropping everything.

You walked over to where Thor was, looking up at him while taking the thing from his hand and putting it on the table before using your magic to fix it all up.

"The preferred term is 'master of the mystic arts"

" Alright, Mr. Wizard, who are you and why should we care?" You asked him.

"My name is Dr. Stephen, strange, and I have some questions. Take a seat," he said before you felt something push you back, you teleported again but luckily fell into a seat. Thor falls into the seat next to you.

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