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You guys all stopped as you looked around. You turned to look at Stephen, whose hair was blowing.  "Stephen, you wouldn't be happening to be moving your hair would you?" you asked him.

"Not at the moment, no" he replied.

You looked up at the hole in the roof noticing papers blowing outside as the rumbling continued. Before you guys started to hear screaming.

You walked up to the front door of the building opening it up. People were everywhere driving away fast running away as horns honked and people screamed.

Your dad followed after you, you helped a man up who had fallen over, ur dad helped the woman he knocked into before a car crashed right in front of you guys into a lamppost. "Help him!" Your dad said to Wong "Friday what am I looking at?" He asked into his glasses.

"Not sure I'm working on it" you heard Friday say to him.

"hey! You might want to put that time stone in your back pocket, doc!" Your dad yelled at Stephen.

"We might want to use it!" He said coming behind you guys.

You looked around the corner of a building to see a huge spaceship Landing in the streets of New York. You put up a shield in front of you and your dad as you walked over to it, protecting yourself from anything hitting you guys.

"Thanks, kid," he said patting your shoulder as he came next to you"

"Oh god," you said under your breath as you shuttered.

"Friday evac anyone south of 43rd street!" Your dad yelled into his glasses. "Notify first responders!"

"Will do!"

Stephen then used his magic to stop the wind from blowing everywhere, which helped you guys be able to see the ship more clearly.

your dad and Stephen lead you guys forward as you and Bruce stayed at the back looking at each other, as to familiar Faces teleported in front of you guys from the ship.

"Hear me and rejoice, you are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos, be thankful. That Your meaningless lives are now contributing-"

"I'm sorry earth is closed today!" Your dad said interrupting them. "You better pack it up and get outta here!"

"Stone keeper," ebony maw said to Stephen. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?" He asked.

"Certainly not I speak for myself, your trespassing in the city and on this planet," he said getting his magic ready.

"It means get lost Squidward!"

you watched as Bruce attempted to transform himself into the hulk, but this time being unsuccessful. "It's been a while, good to have you, buddy," your dad said as the larger alien started walking towards you five.

"Ok shh, let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second, come
on, come on man"

"Where's your guy?" Your dad asked him as Bruce sighed.

"I don't know we've sort of been having a thing."

"There's no time for a thing, that's the thing right there! Let's go!"

Bruce growled as his neck turned green, but it was no use. The hulk did not want to come out. your dad looked at Stephen, who looked back at him before turning back to Bruce

"dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards"

"Tony I'm sorry either I can't or he won't!" He said trying to find a reason.

"Hey ok stand down, keep an eye on him thank you." Your dad said putting Bruce next to Wong.

The alien ran towards you guys, as your dad pressed something on his chest as his iron man suit conjured up on him, the alien came over lifting his weapon. Your dad grabbed a shield and defended himself before punching the alien in the face and using his repulsors to blast him away.

"What was that?!" You asked your dad.

"It's nanotech you like it? A little something I-" your dad said before getting blasted into the air.

Ebony, who had telekinesis, grabbed some trees throwing them at you guys before you put up a shield, defending you guys as Stephen portaled Bruce away, safe. You then picked up those same trees from the ground, throwing them back at him.

"You gotta get that stone out of here now," your dad said coming back into the fight.

"It stays with me"

"Exactly, bye," your dad said, flying straight to Ebony dodging objects that he threw at your dad before being pushed away with telekinesis.

Ebony grabbed a bunch of bricks, turning them into Spears before aiming them directly at you three, Stephen and Wong both made portals so the Spears or turn around and hit Ebony. Instead, he put a car up in front of him, but still got hit by one on the side of the head.

Him getting annoyed he broke a fire hydrant, water blasting out of the top of it before sending it wongs way, the water blasting him away.

Ebony, using his telekinesis, grabbed a few more bricks, throwing them at you. you dusted them before they were able to hit you before Stephen used his magic to grab Ebony, pulling him toward Stephen before flying away with the help of his cape.

"Hey, Wong! You ok?" You asked him as you ran over to him to help him up.

"Yes I'm ok," he said using a portal to get you and him to your dad.

You got there just as cull, the larger alien was about to hit your dad with his weapon before Wong portaled him into a snowy mountain, he looked up at you guys trying to jump up before you grabbed a streetlight, shoving it into his stomach, killing him just before Wong closed the portal.

"Wong you're invited to my wedding." Your dad said before he flew away to the spaceship, which was now leaving earth.

You picked up your dad's phone that Steve gave him which was in front of you. Bruce came next to you looking at it as wong used a portal to get back into the sanctum.

"Where are you going?" Bruce asked him.

"The time stones been taken, and the sanctum remains unguarded, what will you guys do?" He asked you and bruce.

"I'm gonna make a call"

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