A time machine

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You sat in the lounge room of the old avengers HQ, Nat coming up to you sliding a sandwich to you.

"Thought you'd be hungry," she said walking back into the kitchen.

"Thanks, Nat," you said getting up and grabbing the plate while following her into the kitchen.

"Any updates on Clint?" You asked her.

"I'm going on a call soon, apparently Rhodey has some information on his whereabouts," she said cutting herself  a sandwich.

"We're gonna find him, Nat." You said to her taking a bite of your sandwich.

"I'm gonna go get onto this call with the others, I'll be like ten minutes," she said going into the other room.

It had been five years since Thanos had wiped out, half of all sorts of living creatures in the universe, it had impacted you dearly, you only saw your dad every few months. he and pepper got married, and you were blessed with a new baby sister named Morgan, Thor had refused to speak to anyone, even you. You had continuously gone to new Asgard, trying to see him over the past five years, but he had always refused to see anyone so you gave up trying to go see him. It's been about a year since you've tried so you've been staying in the old avengers HQ with Natasha and Steve.

You finished eating your sandwich a few minutes later, getting up and heading into the room where Natasha was on the call with nebula and rocket, Okoye, Carol, and Rhodey.

"Alright we'll uh- this channel is always active, so if anything goes sideways, anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't,  comes through to me." You heard as you walked into the room, nebula and rocket, Okoye, and Carol all leaving the call.

"Hey Rhodey," you said to him on the call.

"Hey y/n"

"Where are you right now?" Natasha asked him.

"Mexico the Federales, found a room full of bodies looks like a bunch of cartel guys never even had a chance to get their guns off," he told you girls.

"It was probably a rival gang," Nat said to him putting her feet up on the table.

"Except it isn't, it's definitely Barton. What he's done here what he's been doing for the last few years... I mean the scene that he left... I gotta tell you there's a part of me that doesn't even want to find him." Rhodey said to Nat as she started to get emotional.

"Will you find out where he's going next?" Nat asked him.



"...okay," he said before getting off.

You watched as Nat teared up next to you. "Hey hey, we'll find him," you said to her, getting up and giving her a hug.

"you know I'd offer to cook you dinner but you seem pretty miserable already," steve said to you girls.

"you here to do your laundry?"

"and to see some friends"

"Clearly your friends are fine"

"You know I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge."

"In the Hudson?" You asked him.

"There's fewer ships, cleaner water."

"You know if you're about to tell me to look on the bright side...umm...I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich." Natasha told him.

"Sorry, a force of habit," he said coming over and sitting across from you girls.
" you know, I keep telling everybody they should move on and grow some do but Not us"

"But if we move on who does this?"

"Maybe it doesn't need to be done."

Natasha shook her head at him "I used to have nothing and then I got this.. this job, this family, and I was, and I was better because of it. And even though they are gone, I'm still trying to be better." She said tearing up.

"I think we all need to get a life," Steve said.

"You first," you said to him.

The doorbell rang around and Natasha answered it, a screen pops up in front of you three.

"Oh hi, hi! Uh is anyone home? This is uh Scott lang. We met a few years ago at the airport. In Germany? I was the guy that got really big, I had a mask on, you wouldn't recognize me."

"Is this an old message?" Steve asked.

"No that's the front gate" you replied.


You watched as Scott walked around muttering to himself, trying to fully understand what was going on.

"Scott. Are you ok?" You asked the man as you crossed your arms. 

"Yeah," he said rubbing his face. "Have either three of you guys ever studied quantum physics?" He asked.

"Only to make conversation," Natasha said to him.

"Alright, so five years ago before... Thanos... I was in a place called the quantum realm. The quantum realm is like its own microscopic universe to get in there. You have to be incredibly small. Hope she's my um... she was my... She was supposed to pull me out, and then Thanos happened and I got stuck in there."

"I'm sorry that must have been a very long five years," you said to him.

"Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't, for me It was five hours. see the rules of the quantum realm are not like they are up here, everything is unpredictable. Is that anybody's sandwich? I'm starving" Scott said walking over to the table and grabbing it.

"Scott, what are you talking about?" Steve asked.

"so... what I'm saying is... time works differently in the quantum realm. The only problem is right now we don't have a way to navigate it, but if we did? I can't stop thinking about it. What if we could somehow control the chaos, and we could navigate it? what if there was a way, so we could enter the quantum realm at a certain point in time, but then exit the quantum realm at another point in time like... like before Thanos."

"Wait are you talking about a Time Machine?" You asked him.

"No, no, of course not. No, not a Time Machine...this is more like a...yeah like a Time Machine. I know it's crazy, but I can't stop thinking about it there's gotta... be some way it's crazy."

"Scott. I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy anymore" Natasha told him, which you think just made the poor man even more confused.

"So who do we talk to about this?"

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