Mine. (lime)

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Was I seriously invited to a party? My rival's no less? If I'm going to go into a party where everyone hates me, I'm gonna do it with an outfit I'm proud of, instead of looking like a homeless man like normal.

I look around and find my (shirt of choice) and decide to put it on.

Cute and comfy, as always.

I look around and find my (pants/shorts of choice).


I put them on and spin around in front of my mirror.

Hmmm. This is missing something. Oh I know!

I get out my makeup bag and start putting on matching makeup with the outfit. (If you don't wear makeup just skip this bit).

I look in the mirror again.

"I probably should put some accessories with this. Maybe a ring or two, maybe five? Ooh and maybe a chain necklace? That would be perfect."

I put on the accessories, style my hair, and touch up my nails (if you don't do your nails skip this part). I feel like I'm ready to go.

I take my phone off the charger and head out the door.

*~time skip~*

When I get to the party, everyone stares at me like I'm crazy. It's as if the whole room is stopped, just because I walked in.

"What is he doing here?"

"Was he even invited?"

"I hope he doesn't come close to me. I don't want to get my outfit dirty."

Ugh. Of course.

The host of the party, my rival, comes over to me.

"Y/N. You arrived. Perfect timing."

He gets closer to my ear and grips my wrist.

"Do. Not. Fuck this up. I only invited you because my mom forced me to. Don't touch shit. Don't talk to anyone. Don't do shit. I don't want to even see you open your mouth—"

His friend comes over, seemingly already drunk.

"Heyyyy Y/N! Come play truth or dare with us! It'll be a lot of fun!"

Why not? I've never done it at a party before. This could be fun.

I walk over to where the group is gathered and look around for a place to sit, when a guy raises his hand and waves me over.

"You can sit next to me if you want, Y/N."

Nobody else seems to care, so I take up the offer. Though, I have no clue who this guy is. I sit down next to him.


Y/N is seriously going to sit next to him? That guy's a total douchebag. I don't see any reason why he'd wanna sit next to that guy.

I try to keep myself calm enough to continue the game.

"Truth or dare, Y/N?"

"Uh truth? I guess?"

The girl who asked the question thinks for a second, and speaks up.

"If you had to pick someone in this room to make out with in a dark closet, who would it be?"

"Oh uh..."

Y/N gets red at that question.

"Never mind, I'll do a dare."

~Male crush x male reader~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें