What Best Friends are for (lemon + slight angst + fluff)

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"Seriously, (best friend)? Are you paying attention at all? You know that's not what I meant."

"I am paying attention. It just really seems like you were implying that."

I lean back on the couch, watching as C/N and (best friend) argue.

What are they even arguing about at this point? This has been going on for five minutes now.

"You literally said my music taste is trash."

"You said the same thing about mine, C/N."

"That was only after you insulted my taste in music first. You could've just said that the song wasn't your cup of tea or something like that. You didn't have to be rude about it."

(Best friend) stands up from the couch and faces C/N, looking baffled.

"Well I'm sorry that you've been on my ass about every little thing all day."

This is over music taste? Seriously?

"Name one example of me being 'on your ass' today, (best friend)."

"Earlier today, you got onto me about forgetting to take out the trash."

"Yeah, for the third time this month."

"It hasn't been that often."

"Yes it has."

I sigh to myself, shaking my head and running my fingers through my hair. I look up at both of them.

"C/N, (best friend), I have a suggestion."

Both of them look at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue.

"How about you both go separate rooms to calm down? You both clearly have been in each other's space a lot today, and you both are getting easily irritated at one another. I understand that you both are boyfriends, but Even boyfriends have to take a quick breather from each other sometimes. Okay?"

C/N and (best friend) mutter an agreement before separating. C/N goes into his & (best friend)'s shared room while (best friend) goes out onto the front porch. That leaves me alone in the living room of two crushes' shared home.

Wow, that just happened.

I lay back on the couch when I have a thought.

What if they took my advice as taking a break from their relationship? That's not what I meant. I hope they didn't get the wrong idea.

I sigh to myself, closing my eyes and trying to calm down before the overthinking goes out of control.

What if I'm the reason they break up? Hopefully they won't make me choose between them if they break up. I don't think they would do that, but I love both of them too much to pick one of them. I'm in love with both of them, so it would be too difficult.

Just as that thought crosses my mind, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I open my eyes, pulling my phone out. I turn it on, looking at my notifications. The first thing I notice is a text message from C/N.

Crush 1 (C/N): hey. Can you come to our room really fast? I need to vent about this whole situation.

I message him back, confirming. I stand up and turn to the hallway, walking toward the direction of C/N and (best friend)'s room.


I wait on my bed for a few moments, perking up when I hear the turning of the doorknob. Y/N walks in, closing the door behind him quietly. He comes over to the bed, sitting down a bit away from me. I turn to face him, giving him a sympathetic look.

~Male crush x male reader~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora