Eggs & Pancakes (littlespace + fluff + slight angst)

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nosimonwearebusy request


Sunlight shines through my bedroom window and onto my face, causing me to stir and slowly wake up. I rub my eyes and blink a few times, looking around and seeing C/N staring into my soul. I slightly jump and let out a yelp of surprise, C/N laughing at my reaction.

"Good morning, Y/N."

"Good morning."

I slowly sit up, moving my hair out of my face and yawning.

"When and how did you get in here, C/N? You know what, I actually don't want to know. What do you need?"

"Nothing, really. I'm just bored."

I pull the blanket off, standing up from the bed.

"First off, I should probably eat. Hungry?"

He shrugs and looks at me.

"I can eat."

I nod and go to the kitchen, C/N following close behind me.

I search through the fridge, grabbing the egg and milk cartons and putting them on the counter. I grab the pancake mix from my cabinet, putting it next to the eggs and milk.

"Can you grab a mixing bowl from the bottom cabinet and put it on the counter for me, please, C/N?"

I hear him agree as I grab measuring cups from a drawer, putting the measuring cups onto the counter next to the mixing bowl. I thank C/N for putting the bowl onto the counter as I start measuring the ingredients.

I put some eggs on the stove to cook, getting the pancake mix ready.

"How do you want your eggs cooked, C/N?"

"I don't care."

I nod and mix the pancake batter in the mixing bowl, looking at C/N.

"Can you grab a cup from the cabinet, please, C/N?"

He agrees and grabs the cup, putting it next to me. I thank him and pour the pancake batter into the cup.

I flip over one of the eggs and a bit of the oil from the pan splashes onto my arm, causing me to slightly wince in pain and curse under my breath.

"You okay, Y/N?"

I nod and grab the cup of pancake batter, pouring some of the batter onto the other pan. I hear C/N walk out of the room and shrug it off, not thinking much of it.

A few moments later, I hear C/N's footsteps and feel his presence next to me. I look over and see a first aid box, smiling softly at him.

"I'll be okay, C/N. It was just a bit of hot oil."

"It could turn into a blister if it's not treated properly."

He takes out sanitary wipes from the box and starts wiping the area. I go back to making breakfast, and C/N stops me.

"I need you to stay still so I can properly treat this, okay?"

I nod in acknowledgement and stop what I'm doing, keeping an eye on the eggs and pancakes.

Once he finishes cleaning off the remaining oil, he throws the wipe in the trash and grabs bandages.

"Keep holding still for me. You're doing a good job."

I feel a slight shift in my mental shift, beginning to feel smaller. I don't question anything and continue waiting for him to finish treating the burn.

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