Quiet (lemon + fluff)

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Ajthegamer8272 request


A group of friends, C/N, and I are coming back to our dorms after a party someone's cousin threw across the street. We're all laughing and basically collapse on (friend)'s bed.

"Oh shit. What should we do, now that we're back to the dorms?"

I contemplate what (friend) said and come up with an idea.

"I know what we could do."

"What is it, Y/N?"

"(Best friend), do you remember that one game we played in high school at the one party we left early from?"

(Best friend) nods at my question.

"Well, how about we play that?"

"Oh my god, that's such a good idea! We could totally do that, Y/N!"

Everyone else looks at us confused, and I realize that I should probably explain the game before we play.

"Basically, we compete against each other to try and get the other person to moan. If one moans, they're out of the game. People keep competing against each other, in the style of championship games in sports. The one that lasts the longest without moaning wins. Does that make sense?"

C/N pipes up after my long explanation.

"So, let me see if I understand. We compete against each other in pairs. Whoever wins in each round moves onto the next round. 2 winners from different rounds will compete against each other, and who wins that one will move on and compete with someone else in the same fashion. Whoever wins in the last pairing wins the game. Is that right?"

I nod in reply.

"Alright. What are we waiting for? Let's play!"

The others cheer at (friend)'s exclamation and wait for the game to begin. (Best friend) holds up her hand to stop everyone from starting, and she begins talking.

"First off, we need to explain the rules. Rule number one, only one person can play another person at a time. When someone is in a game, someone else can't try to join in and make the other person lose. I'm looking at you, Sasha."

Sasha gives a nervous chuckle and looks at the wall while everyone else laughs at them, and (best friend) continues.

"Rule number two, pants and underwear of any kind stay on. And in Leo's case, skirts too."

Everyone just kinda nods along and waits for the next rule.

"The most important one, if someone says they're uncomfortable we stop immediately. There will not be any hesitation or protesting from the other person, or else that person will be kicked out."

Everyone agrees with that rule and waits for anything else.

"I think that's it. Now, let's all put our names on a small piece of paper and put the pieces of paper into Sasha's hat."

(Friend) hands out post-it notes and hands someone a pen to pass around the circle for everyone to use. (Best friend) watches as papers labeled with "(friend)", "(best friend)", "Leo", "Sasha", "Xavier", "Molly", "C/N", and "Y/N" go into the hat and are mixed around.

The names go into the hat, and (best friend) picks out the first 2 names.

"Leo and Sasha go first."

Both Leo and Sasha go red-faced and move toward the center of the circle.

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