Paper Flowers (fluff + angst)

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latteking254 request


I'm in the stands, cheering my brother on as he's running toward the end of the field. The announcer is coming over the speakers, narrating his every move.

"He's going, he's going, and he did it! Touchdown!"

Everyone on our side is cheering loudly for my older brother's success, which ended up winning the game for out team. The rest of the football team is surrounding him on the field and shouting congratulations toward him.

I look toward the front of the bleachers and see C/N smiling, and butterflies start swirling around in my stomach.

"Go (brother)! You did it!"

C/N goes out into the field and tackle-hugs (brother). I chuckle a bit under my breath and end up zoning out while staring at C/N.

"Y/N? Hellooo?"

I see a hand wave in front of my face and blink a few times.

"Hm? Yes, (sister)?"

"Quit staring at C/N. It's obvious that you're into him and it's probably creeping him out."

I go wide-eyed and just stay quiet, looking away from C/N. I sit down on the bleachers, plugging in my earbuds and starting to blast music into my ears to block out the loud noises.

~*time skip 1 of too many*~

A bit later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see my dad looking at me. I take my earbuds out to listen to him.

"Time to go home."

I nod at his statement and start following him to the car. I get in and put my earbuds in again to pass more time.

~*another time skip because I'm lazy*~

I flop onto my bed, my earbuds still in. My mind wanders to me watching C/N at the game while he was watching the game with other friends from his & (brother)'s friend group.

I blush a bit in embarrassment at the memory and start overthinking everything, when I get a text from (brother).

Idiot: hey loser, I had a date tomorrow night to C/N's game and she cancelled on me. You're coming with me to the game.

I go beet red and scream into my pillow so my gay panicking won't be heard by the whole house.

Me: do I have to?

Idiot: yes, you have to. I'm not gonna go by myself.

Me: and you want that person to be me?

Idiot: it's not like I really have a choice. Besides, dad said we need to spend more time together since we fight all the time.

Me: what about you and (sister)?

Idiot: she's the nicer twin out of you two, so we don't need to do any 'bonding'.

Me: what do you mean she's nicer? She's literally the devil.

Idiot: yeah yeah whatever. Talk to you tomorrow loser. Night.

Me: fine, night idiot.

I turn off my phone and realize the situation at hand. My face lights up like a Christmas tree, and I hide it in my pillow once again.

Tomorrow's gonna be a mess.

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