Candles (fluff + slight lemon)

771 12 25

ar1xisu request


"Thank you."

I take my drink from the waitress' hand, going to my table and sitting down. I can barely swallow my first sip before I feel someone's presence in front of me.

"Hey. What's your name?"

I look up at him, seeing an adorable-looking guy who looks like he's around my age. He gives off an oddly contagious joyful energy, his presence reminding me of the warmth of sunshine. His eyes sparkle with excitement, making my heart clench with adoration.

"I'm Y/N. What's yours?"

"C/N. It's nice to meet you."

C/N shakes my hand, smiling at me. I return his handshake, feeling butterflies in my stomach at the sight of his smile.

"Are you from around here, Y/N?"

"No, I'm on vacation."

"Oh, me too. What a coincidence."

I chuckle softly and nod, returning his beaming smile with a soft one of my own.

"When do you leave?"

"In a few days. What about you, C/N?"

"I leave tomorrow afternoon. Maybe we could hang out for a bit today and see where it goes?"

Not having much else to do, I slightly shrug and nod.

"Why not? I don't really have anything planned."

C/N gives me another big smile, making my heart melt a bit.

"Yay! Okay, let's go. I already have some ideas."

Before I can fully process what C/N said, a gentle, yet firm hand is wrapped around my wrist and practically dragging me away from the drink stand.

"Where are you taking me, C/N?"

"Trust me, Y/N, you'll love it."

~*time skip*~

C/N looks around the crowded strip until something seems to catch his eye. I can nearly see the sparkles that form in his eyes as he slightly squeezes my hand.

"It's this way! Let's go, Y/N!"

Without waiting for my reply, C/N pulls me up to an ice cream stand.

"They have a lot of choices, so I'd take a thorough look at the list. Thankfully, we have a bit until we have to order."

I nod, scanning the list of ice cream flavors.

Mint chocolate chip? No, that reminds me of toothpaste. What about pineapple? No, not that either. Pineapple is too sweet for my tastes.

I look forward the bottom of the list and see one of my favorites, smiling.

Mango it is.

It seems like I picked at the exact right time, as well, because C/N gently pulls me up to the counter.

"What flavor do you want, Sir?"

"Mango, please."

The worker writes the order down on a slip and looks at C/N expectantly.

"I'll have strawberry."

They write down C/N's part of the order and smiles at him.

"One strawberry and one mango. Will that be all?"

~Male crush x male reader~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora