Voice of an Angel (lime + fluff)

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I'm bored not being able to talk to C/N. What else am I supposed to do? He makes me so happy and excited that nothing else makes me as happy as he does.

I see that my TV isn't on and I turn it on & put it into YouTube to try and pass the time.

"Now, what to watch. Oh I know."

I put on my music playlist and start cleaning again.

I pick up the misplaced stuff to get it out of the way.

How on earth did my toilet bowl cleaner get all the way out here?

With a confused expression on my face, I try to think of how that could have happened and remember.

Oh yeah, my cousin's came to visit a week ago. They probably brought that out here.

I shrug and put it back in the bathroom and slowly forget it even happened.

I start wiping the coffee table in my living room and hear my phone vibrate.


I look and see my partner texted me and go all giggly.

"Hey love. I'm in the hotel room now, so I'll be able to call for the night. With the time difference, it's night time for me now."

I text him back saying I'll call him in a minute, and I go change into a comfy outfit.

If he's gonna sleep, I'm gonna fall asleep with him. Even if it's just for a nap.

I get into my bed smiling and call him.

Third person POV:

The phone rang.

"Hey Y/N."

"Hi! Has your first day on your business trip bub?"

"It was alright. Chaotic and tiring, but talking to you is already making me feel so much better though."

"I'm glad. You turning in?"

"Yeah, but I need a shower first."


C/N turns his camera off to shower.

"While youre doing that, I'll talk about my day, since you pretty much said yours."

"Alright love. I'll listen."

"Okay so basically..."

Y/N proceeded to go on an infodump about his day while going into all the details and being expressive to get his point across.

C)N listens along until his mind... wanders a bit. His hand starts traveling.


"And then she said 'you are so disrespectful!' even though literally all I did was come out to my friend at work. And—"



I stop for a second to try and listen for it again, but hear nothing.

"Okay, as I was saying, I asked her why she thought I was being disrespectful, and she said that I apparently wasn't listening to her religion's rules. I'm guessing she was Christian, but who am I to judge? I try not to judge people on those things. Anyway—"


"Are you okay C/N?"

"Just keep talking baby~"

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