Music to my Ears (lemon + fluff)

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I belt out the last note of the song as C/N stops playing his drums with a dramatic riff from (friend)'s guitar following soon after. The crowd is cheering and looking at me with fire in their eyes. A grin spreads across my face as I notice C/N with a goofy smile on his face.

He's too cute.

I realize that was the last song and begin my usual farewell speech after performances.

"Thank you all! This has been one hell of a show. You were probably the loudest audience so far this entire tour!"

They get louder at that comment. After a moment I continue my speech.

"Have a great night!"

I turn off my microphone and give the sound guy a signal to cut power to our equipment. I look at C/N and see him head to the crowd.

What on earth is he doing now?

He runs over to a little girl with braids in her hair and begins to talk to her excitedly.

"Hey there! You seemed to really be enjoying my drumming."

She looks up at him, ecstatic.

"Mhm! You were awesome!"

I can tell his heart just melted at the comment.

"Well then, do you want my drumsticks?"

The kid just lights up.

"Really? Heck yeah!"

C/N pulls out his sharpie, signing his name on the drumsticks and handing the drumsticks to the little girl.

"Keep rocking on squirt! You've for a bright future ahead of you!"

C/N heads back up to the stage, leaving the kid all giggly and giddy.

"That was a super nice thing for you to do, C/N."

"Thanks bro. I saw her cheering in the crowd and thought she'd like it. Ready to head back to the tour bus?"


"Hey love birds, we're not done yet remember? We still have to go eat since we didn't have time before the show. You can thank golden retriever boy over there for sleeping in."

(Friend) and I both look at C/N at the same time, leaving C/N confused.


I mentally facepalm and try to explain.

"We were referring to you."

"How am I a 'golden retriever boy'? I'm a person."

(Friend) explains our statement to him in deeper detail in hopes that he'll understand more.

"You're super easily excited and satisfied. You have the attention span of an 8 year old. You're large. You have fluffy hair. You always wanna make people happy. Not to mention you're a big doofus and—"

"Okayyyy I think he gets it (friend)."

C/N pouts a bit.

"I'm not a doofus! Am I?"


"How am I a doofus?"

(Friend) takes over again.

"Weren't you the one that thought fish drank the water to live underwater?"

"How would they breathe if there's no air around them?"

"Weren't you also the one that thought cooking oil is what's required for cars to run?"

"To be fair, (friend), that is kinda reasonable if you don't know any better. They are both types of oil."

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